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Gönderen Konu: 6th Edition Rumor'ları  (Okunma sayısı 37360 defa)


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #45 : Ocak 19, 2012, 09:39:46 ÖÖ »
Hehe... Cidden copyright sorunu olmayan, neredeyse hazır bir oyun kural kitabı elde oluyor.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #46 : Ocak 23, 2012, 08:31:05 ÖÖ »
Tanıyormusunuz bilmiyorum ama, Goatboy hani 40K ile ilgili benin nette gördüğün en ciddi Bloggerlardan (sağda solda görüyorum belki en popüleri falan da olabilir). 40K Leak ile ilgili hoş bir şey yazmış, paylaşayım dedim.

Goatboy here again talking about what is on most people's mind when it comes to 40k. WHERE IS MY CHAOS CODEX!!! Wait - that is on my mind. Instead let's talk about the 6th Edition "leak".

I am sure if you are reading this you probably read a bunch of other places that have talked about the "leak". I don't want to link to anything as I am just going over some things I read and what I think it means to the game. So with that in mind lets jump into the slowly increasing pool of 40k goodness.

First the biggest thing I have seen that causes my wee goat brain to shudder is the change in the actual phases of the game. Instead of the old standby, move, shoot, assault we now have Move, Assault, Shoot, and Clean up stage of the game. This is a big change and brings this so called leak more in line with Fantasy. I don't think it is the end of the game we all know and love as I think it moves the game into the constant swirl of firepower and movement they originally wanted with 5th edition. We got the run rule in the last edition which helped open up the playing field. These new movement rules and assault rules will mean games are a lot more fluid as you move and push around the board. I think this will be fine as it makes the game a lot more interesting. Assault units are going to be just assault units. There are also some rules for defensive shooting and overwatch which will be interesting to see.

The next interesting thing is that vehicles got better at shooting but will take more pain from shooting. We have stacking damage on a vehicle, so massed glancing hits are going to be a problem as you slowly gut that vehicle down. You mix that with a much more robust shooting profile and you start to have tanks that are actually tanks. Finally they will be moving, shooting, and causing problems on the playing field. Flyers and other options become harder to hit which is good too. It is also interesting that your Weapon Skill will help you when trying to punch something.

Squad leaders become very important as they provide your LOS, regroup ability, and other options throughout the game. There are also options that let leader force wounds on specific models too. The hidden powerfist is going to eat it. Also weapons all have AP values as well. This includes close combat weapons. Orks are going to get chewed apart from Chainswords and if you don't have some kind of crazy weapon Marines are going to be a tarpit. This is pretty interesting as it moves it more inline with some of the video games as well as stories of Marines chopping through jerks. Power swords also are granting a 5+ inv in close combat so that is pretty exciting too.

A big thing I read about was the change to wound allocation. The game still has the armor groups but you get to decide who lives at the end after all saves are rolled. Also multiple wound models are not going to be running around wounded. You now have a patch up phase that forces you to remove models and until you have the lowest amount of wounded models. Let's say you have 10 Paladins with 5 wounds distributed through there. In the patch up phase you will remove 2 models and only have one wound model left. This is huge as the old advantage of wound allocations won't matter. This will help speed up game play and make other units a bit more exciting because you won't be giving up free casualties.

There is also a new characteristic called Evasion. This is pretty interesting as it makes certain options harder to hit. Fast models become much harder to hit which will hopefully help this new brutal ruleset. We also have supersonic flyers as well which will create a larger board as we shoot and drive around. I think anything that makes you think of the entire board as your playing field is a good thing. I know one of the player skill advantages is controlling the table and this will help push the edges of the playing field.

Another interesting point is that you have to be in control of an objective in the beginning of the turn. This means a "Turn 5 Fritz" victory is no longer going to be an option. Also you can't control an objective in a vehicle. I guess those Rhinos are going to go back to being walls again instead of boxes. This will be one of the bigger changes in competitive play as we all change up how are armies are built and designed to hold and win objective games.

Cover has become a 5+ for most things. I said this was going to happen and I am glad these rules have it. This push will mean we need more models on the board instead of just a bunch of small things as massed fire on a small squad will kill it. Smoke is also back to a 5+ save so the flickerfield is the best smoke in the game. Mix this with Evasion and Dark Eldar are going to be a pain in the butt to shoot down.

Things I don't like is how you choose who goes first. Bidding points is just another means for smarter players to guarantee what kind of options their armies need to do. I would probably choose to go second every game as I will just bid 0 most of the time. I bet tournaments will just leave it as a dice roll as it makes things a little more interesting. We will see if the strategems are going to be good.

There are a bunch of other changes that I don't want to jump into. I am not 100% sure of this leak as it has a lot of wish list options from before as well as other odd things in there. I think these rules are not nearly as end of the world as others think it is. I think the game will play pretty much the same with small tweaks and other new options that should improve the speed and overall enjoyment of the game. All I know is I am excited to have a concrete "leak" that was either really well researched and put together by a team who knew what they were doing  - or real. Either way it gives us some fun things to talk about - especially how Black Templars were not in the codex change PDF bit.

NOT: Gerçekten bu, şu anda yaşadığımız yeni kurallar durumu benim canımı sıkıyor. Hani 40K oynayasım gelmiyor. Bu kurallar gerçek bile olsalar(ki ben kesin GW işi diyorum) son hal değiller, ama eskisine devam etmek de canım istemiyor. Yeni set bu diye. Bu leakten kimler sorumluysa o kişilere ve/ya kurumlara olan nefretimi burada belirtmek isterim.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #47 : Ocak 23, 2012, 01:35:57 ÖS »
İtiraf ediyorum bu yazıyı da ben yazdırttım. ;)

Yaw, bu bidding olayının kötü ve strategemlerin çok kuvettli olması muhabbeti dışında negatif tek bir eleştiri yok beim gördüğüm kadarıyla. Ben bu konularda yorum yapacak düzeyde bu işi bilmiyorum ama yaptığımız deneme maçında en çok kafamızın karıştığı kısım bu bidding ve starategem olyıydı hakaten.

@Ruhi, oyna gitsin be abi, ne kasıyon kedini, 6 ay önceden daha iyi bir sisteme geçme şansını kullan işte. 6th ed çıkınca revize olan yerleri öğrenmen yeterli olur, oyunun ana hatlarını iyicene sindirmiş olursun hiç değilse.


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #48 : Şubat 03, 2012, 08:40:08 ÖÖ »
Kırmızı ile yazılanlar, bir GW çalışanı tadında birisinin cevapları.

...which will give some credibility to the rumor of the 6th ED starter being DA vs Chaos

Interesting :)

Fingers crossed... DA's and CSM.

Not "just" CSM :)

Demons too?

No :)

Cultists / Traitor Guardsmen perhaps?


Glad to see you back in rumor-mongery, Hastings.

Not back in, just lending credence to this as I know it's correct.

No, there are rumors that may be complete fabrications about BT, Tau, Eldar, and Chaos. Strangers on the net don't trump White Dwarf.

Agreed (etc. etc.)

I wouldn't think that these are the entirety of this year's possible releases - books perhaps, but I'd be surprised if there weren't one or two waves.

Correct (ish) :)

I don't know if the spine images are anything to do with DA, 6th starter or the 25th year of 40k but I do know that most of the stuff posted is correct. 6th starter does indeed feature DA and the forces of chaos, including a nice plastic chaos dread :) I'm also willing to add (and you'll need to forgive my weak 40k fu here) that the CSM in the starter are Chosen? (hope that's the right name - 40k really isn't my thing!!)
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #49 : Nisan 25, 2012, 08:39:19 ÖÖ »
Dark Angels:
Terminator Captain
5 Deathwing
Tactical Squad
Ravenwing bikes (3 likely)

Chaos Marine squad

Warseer'da görmüştüm, bugün BoLS'da da vardı. Hadi bakalım hayırlısı. Hani bana fazla malzeme geldi. Gerçi Assult on Black Reach'de başta inanılmaz gelmişti.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #50 : Nisan 30, 2012, 01:03:41 ÖS »
BoLS'da Warseer'da gördüm:

-Many of the general concepts from magic from Warhammer Fantasy are coming to Warhammer 40,000.
-There will be "lore equivalents"
-Psychic powers will be generated randomly by psykers (like fantasy)
-Entirely new rules for constructing army lists (~Look at Fantasy for hints)
-The FOC may be history

Contructing army'den çok korkuyorum ben. unlimited core olacak derler ise, işler zor diye düşünüyorum. Bir yerde okumuştum, mesala Grey Knights'da bu henchmen 30 puana 3 model alabiliyorsun. Yanına Razorback lascannonlı 70 puan. 100 puana Razorback ve troop choice. Sonra 1500 puan oyun. 100 puana 1 HQ, 14 tane Razorback with twin-linked.. :)

Kabus gibi yani. :)
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #51 : Nisan 30, 2012, 01:20:28 ÖS »
kurallar her orduyu kapsayacak sonuç olarak. Biz de buluruz bir ince ayarlı durum, esas GK codex ine faq lazım, ayar lazım biraz


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #52 : Nisan 30, 2012, 01:23:54 ÖS »
FOC, Force Organization Chart mı?
"If you're going through hell, keep going."


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #53 : Nisan 30, 2012, 02:02:19 ÖS »
Ben öyle anladım Batu.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #54 : Nisan 30, 2012, 02:10:30 ÖS »
kurallar her orduyu kapsayacak sonuç olarak. Biz de buluruz bir ince ayarlı durum, esas GK codex ine faq lazım, ayar lazım biraz

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #55 : Nisan 30, 2012, 02:38:51 ÖS »
hadi bakalım hayırlısı... Bu arada FOC force Organisation Chart'ın kısaltması... ama oyun çok değişir...


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #56 : Nisan 30, 2012, 03:07:15 ÖS »
kurallar her orduyu kapsayacak sonuç olarak. Biz de buluruz bir ince ayarlı durum, esas GK codex ine faq lazım, ayar lazım biraz

Hehe.. Dün 4 arkadaş belki ilk defa masaya ellerindeki ordularla adam gibi geçtiler. Hani IG listesi daha iyi hazırlanmıştı, daha güzel oyuncaklara sahipti falan belki denilebilir, ama Koray Deniz'in Tau'yu ve Yakup'un GK'larını 4-0 geçti. Gitti ikinci oldu.

Imperial Guard'ın faq'sına ihtiyacı var mı? Bilmem. Sadece rakip ne yapacağını bilmiyorsa, çok iyi ceza kesiyor diye düşünüyorum. Tam "idam mangası" durumu oluyor. Bir orduya karşı 5-6 oyun oynamadan sağlıklı bir fikir olabilir mi bilmiyorum. Heh.
« Son Düzenleme: Nisan 30, 2012, 03:18:51 ÖS Gönderen: anchorite »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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  • To Lead, to inspire, to get lucky.
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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #57 : Nisan 30, 2012, 03:56:24 ÖS »
Ne magictir ne keramet? Psychic powera itirazım yok ama magic nereden çıktı? Bir ben mi yadırgadım bilmiyorum ama Fantasy ve 40K arasındaki ayırımları böyle oradan kaldırmasalar keşke.


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #58 : Nisan 30, 2012, 04:04:25 ÖS »
Imperial Guard'ın faq'sına ihtiyacı var mı? Bilmem. Sadece rakip ne yapacağını bilmiyorsa, çok iyi ceza kesiyor diye düşünüyorum. Tam "idam mangası" durumu oluyor. Bir orduya karşı 5-6 oyun oynamadan sağlıklı bir fikir olabilir mi bilmiyorum. Heh.

IGnin FAQ'a ihtiyacı var mı bilemiyorum ama, hani Korayın ilk yaptığı 40K maçlarında karşısına çıkan neredeyse her ordudan 4-0 puan almasının şanstan öte bir şey olduğunu söylemeye sanırım gerek yok... ;)


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Ynt: 6th Edition Rumor'ları
« Yanıtla #59 : Nisan 30, 2012, 04:35:40 ÖS »
Ne magictir ne keramet? Psychic powera itirazım yok ama magic nereden çıktı? Bir ben mi yadırgadım bilmiyorum ama Fantasy ve 40K arasındaki ayırımları böyle oradan kaldırmasalar keşke.

Psychic powerlara magic diyor zaten Chaos Cultistleri. Hatta Chaos Marine'lerin Psionicleri'ne hali hazırda Sorcerer deniliyor.

IGnin FAQ'a ihtiyacı var mı bilemiyorum ama, hani Korayın ilk yaptığı 40K maçlarında karşısına çıkan neredeyse her ordudan 4-0 puan almasının şanstan öte bir şey olduğunu söylemeye sanırım gerek yok...

Oynaması kolay ordu işte. Diğer yeni arkadaşlara karşı 4-0 kazandı. GK sözde en iyi ordu ama.. Heh. GK'nin ihtiyacı var demiş Levent ondan yazdım.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain