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Gönderen Konu: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau  (Okunma sayısı 5450 defa)


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Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« : Mayıs 20, 2013, 09:56:04 ÖÖ »

I'm just coming down from having playing at the Alamo 40k GT in San Antonio, TX. It is a fun event, with a cheap bar in the same hall run by Mr. Jonathan Bailey.  I ended up coming in 2nd place for the overall out of a field of about 70 players.  Not to bad after getting my butt kicked by some fishheads.  Lucky for me I only played them once and was able to come in second heh.  Still I learned a lot from the game and will be testing out lists to deal with the next annoying competitive army to hit the table top.

Tau Strengths
First things - Tau shoot a lot.  I know this is pretty obvious but they will be peppering you with bullets all day long.  It makes it extremely difficult to survive 2 rounds of fire.  Yup no matter how fast you move you will get shot at least 2 times.  Most of the time it is 3 times but just know that you will always get two rounds of shooting at you.  This is pretty nuts as with that amount of shooting coming at you, don't expect much of your army to get into assault.  This amount of firepower is pretty intense and the only other army that resembles this sheer shooting mass would be IG.  Which Tau have some advantages over.

Besides the shooting phase the Tau also have some of the best utility IC's in the game.  In fact - if you are not taking an Ethereal + Super Commander then you might be doing something wrong.  These guys give so much to your army.  You have the ability to control your Warlord trait, be extremely effective in the shooting phase, and keep your guys from running away.  The other nutty thing is that if they die, it still doesn't make you crappier - it just makes you a little bit more fair hah.

It is interesting in that looking at the new book you see they really didn't change that much.  Yes they added some bells and whistles but the big thing is they fixed some point costs, changed up a few options, and just brought them in line with the shooting phase they needed to have.  It isn't the end of the world but it is still going to make you rethink your army build if you want to survive the shooting phase vs the blue upstarts.

Speaking of shooting, the Tau Smart Missile System is the death of throw away scoring units.  They are twin-linked, ignores cover, and great at killing cultists units.  Zombies at least have a save but these guys are just going to shoot you all day every day.  If you are not playing a few of these on some Devilfish then you need to rethink your army.

Against the Fishmen
Now this army is still not an auto win.  I think the Necrons are still the strongest book out there right now but this will defiantly be a kick in the teeth for most fun game nights.  Tau players will still forget to move as the army itself is pretty static (thus the need of Devil Fish) and that will end up "losing" them games as it ends on 5 and they are left stuck behind Aegis lines or hiding up in the Sky Shield.

The army suffers from the Alpha strike as well.  Most Tau on Tau match ups will be extremely dependent on who gets the first crippling blows as Hammer Heads rain down and the Marker Lights cover you in disco.  The massed Slaanesh Daemon rush or Khorne-Dog bomb might have a chance as well due to how you set up your assaults to avoid the ultimate Tau Triangle of Overwatching doom.  I think a terrain heavy table mixed with Barrage is also a pain in the butt for the Tau (so stock up on Manticores).

Psychic powers are also extremely difficult for Tau to get around.  A few Iron Arms mixed with Telepathy bombs could spell trouble for the army.  It really comes down to the first few turns as whoever is playing the Tau list will just have to survive and hope to strike back in a crippling attack.  The use of Blacksun filters is also frustrating as Night Fight would be a big help for an opponent but the fishmen have bit of power with their awesome night time sunglasses.

The New Meta?
Is this the end of the Assault phase?  It kind of is.  I know a lot of people think Assault is dead but it still wins games for myself and others.  This army just has enough throw away units that anything punchy gets in, falls into the trap, and gets shot as it punts that unit of crap away.  It will make me rethink some strategies for lists and hope that all the Tau players kill themselves in the first few rounds.

What are your thoughts on the new Tau?  Do you find them annoying to play against?  The winner of the Event was a Tau player and he was bored throughout most of the games as he thought it wasn't really that fair.  I think it is lucky the army is expensive as we would have another few months of Grey Tau hitting the table tops.

All I know is if I was playing a Tau army it would have to be Farsight bomb as that is the only way I think I will have fun with it.  I would probably use 3 Riptides and have an Angry Tau paint scheme.  Look for some yellow random Tau coming soon in a few weeks (maybe during WargamesCon).
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #1 : Mayıs 20, 2013, 10:03:14 ÖÖ »
tam bunun üstüne bolter and chainsword da turnuvaya katılmış Wolf oyuncusunun bu tau listesine karşı yaptığı maça dair yorumu :D

"Battle Two  - Tau.


I wish I could say this game was even close. Tau seem really broken to me right now. The other player even felt like it was almost ridiculous what he was able to do.


Turn one - 14 markerlights on my Longfangs. Dead in a couple of shots. Rune Priest with them.  Turn two, he guns down the entirety of the Thunderwolf Crew, including the Lord (make 27, seriously. It's hilarious. From a single unit).


By turn three he had killed everything I had save a handful of marines. I called it quits at that point. Not much else to say here. Nice guy, apparently an amazing player, but the Tau codex is not something I'm interested in playing against again any time in the near future unless they get some serious FAQ nerfing. Markerlights plus missile pods mean you get to watch the other guy play. It's such a simple thing for the tau player to make his drones BS 6 or more, and then just decimate any unit with massed fire. Killing the Pathfinders is next to impossible, because their cover save is ridiculous.

Whirlwinds are the only real answer I can come up with. Hide outside of 36", put any available objectives in your own deployment zone, and hope he can't kill your whirlwinds and Longfangs."

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #2 : Mayıs 20, 2013, 03:49:00 ÖS »

Space Wolf oyuncuları azıcık delikanlı olur diye bekliyor insan ama...

Heh...  Ne mızmızlanmış ne mızmızlanmış..
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #3 : Mayıs 20, 2013, 03:51:15 ÖS »
Tau iyi yav. Ben çok sevdim kağıt üstünde. Bu 4 tane uçak koy. 50 tane IG yancı ekle. Biraz elit Marine veya Necron attın mı oyun kazan zibidileri düşünsün şimdi. Yada 50 Marine hepsi shooting olsun, bir de psionic kullanayım o da shooting buff etsin sonra ateş edelim kazanalım diyen ordulara çok iyi cevap oldu.

Tau ordusu var Kule'de. Ciddi ciddi oynanmayı bekliyor hani.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #4 : Mayıs 20, 2013, 09:38:34 ÖS »
Şahsen orta ayar bir oyuncu olmamama rağmen aklıma bazı şeyler geliyor, örneğin 5 kişilik bir sürü warrior grubu, kopup gidip dalabilecek scarablar, ne biliim bu adamlarla cc a girdin mi olay bitiyor sanki, overwatch işini fazla konuşuyorlar diye düşünüyorum sonuç olarak ya yanındakine ya kendisine yapsın sonuç olarak tek bir sefer overwatch yapabiliyor. Tau ya karşı az elit eleman değil de it sürüsü kadar az elemanlı ünite iş yapar gibi geliyor. Bir de elbette her yeni çıkan codexten sonra dünyanın sonu geldi sendromu yaşanıyor, o sw oyuncusu kendi codexleri çıktığında herkesin JOTWW muhabetinde milletin ne ağlaştığını unutmuş sanırım. En güzel şey yüzlerce tyranid in veya orc un daldığı bir tau ekibini seyretmek olur bence, sıkabildikleti kadar sıksınlar en sonunda cc kaçınılmaz :))


  • Misafir
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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #5 : Mayıs 20, 2013, 11:41:38 ÖS »
Kurt'un ordusu ne acaba? Full drop pod agzinin icine atlama ordusuna karsi tau mau kalmaz gibi geliyor bana ama haricten gazel okuyorum elbette ;)
Aşkta ve savaşta her yol mubahtır!


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #6 : Mayıs 21, 2013, 08:23:34 ÖÖ »
Lord, Thunder Wolf. Frost Axe, Runic, Storm Shield, Wolftooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Talisman, Saga of the Bear, 2 Fenrisian Friends


Rune Priest, Master of Runes, Runic Armor, Plasma Pistol


TWC (3), Storm shield (2), Plasma Pistol (1)


3 units of 10 Gray Hunters, Standard/Mark, various weapons


1 unit of Long Fangs - 2 Lascannons, 1 Missile Launcher, 1 Plasma Cannon


5 Wolf Guard Termies, various weapons, drop pod.

evet pek öyle drop pod ordusu değil
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • Misafir
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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #7 : Mayıs 21, 2013, 08:33:28 ÖÖ »
Bu ordu 5. sürümde oluyordu ama artık maalesef...
Aşkta ve savaşta her yol mubahtır!


  • Misafir
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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #8 : Mayıs 21, 2013, 09:48:18 ÖS »
Bence durum şu; 5th ed ordusu ile Tau karşısına çıkarsan seni süpürür atar.

Peki Tau nasıl hemen patladı? Çünkü Tau codexi daha bi shooting olan editiondan kalmaydı ve bu yüzden Tau oyuncuları anında 6th edna adapte oluyor. Yane, Tau hep aynıydı 6th ed upgrade gücünü arttırdı ama formatı değişmedi, Shoot them up.

Son Söz: 6th ed 60 troop çıkmak demek; bi de varsa yanına hava desteği tabii.


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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #9 : Mayıs 22, 2013, 02:03:07 ÖS »
Bunlar hep bana "yeni ordu, ne yapacağımızı bilemiyoruz" geyikleri gibi geliyor. Alışırlar.

Ayreten iki/üç turn durmaksızın ateş yiyorsan, oyunun üçte birini/yarısını açıkta geçiriyorsun demektir; Tau'ya karşı bunu yapıyorsan hakettin dayağı.

Ben yine de bir iki aya insanların orduyu çözüp rahat rahat dövmeye başlayacağına inanıyorum.

Ya aklıma gelmişken: geçenlerde bir Tau ordusunda ally olarak phoenix lord karandras'ı gördüm. Adam BS7, tank hunter; quad gun'a geçirip milleti ağlatıyordu vatandaş. Çok iyi fikir lan, denesenize.


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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #10 : Mayıs 22, 2013, 02:59:54 ÖS »
Ya aklıma gelmişken: geçenlerde bir Tau ordusunda ally olarak phoenix lord karandras'ı gördüm. Adam BS7, tank hunter; quad gun'a geçirip milleti ağlatıyordu vatandaş. Çok iyi fikir lan, denesenize.

iki haftaya invalide olacak malum yeni eldar codex çıkıyor... Ayrıca o arkadaş Fugean (Fire Dragonların Phionix Lord'u)... Karandras Striking Scorpion Phionix Lord'u... Fuegon'un güzelliği Tank hunter yeteneği haricinde, kullandığı silaha (Bkz quadgun yada ıcarus Laser cannon) cover save attırmayıp, reroll to wounds(armour penetration) kazandırıyor olması... ama ne yazıkki bende orijinal modeli yok ;)


  • Katılımcı
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Ynt: Things I have Learned by Getting Kicked in the Teeth by Tau
« Yanıtla #11 : Mayıs 22, 2013, 11:49:14 ÖS »
Evet lan bir de crack shot var. Adam makinenin arkasına geçince kendini bulmuş, phoenix lord'luktan geçtim gunner'lığı seçtim demiş.