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Gönderen Konu: WoC rumors  (Okunma sayısı 10093 defa)


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WoC rumors
« : Ağustos 29, 2012, 06:27:52 ÖS »
Warriors of Chaos

Release Date:
There are rumours that they will come in Q4 This year (Hastings) October (Avian, Eldargal) End October/start November (Harry) December (Darnock/Birdy, MsDarkness) Just in time for Haloween (Scoopdeta)
Some talk around the interwebz that WoC may be delayed.

Author: Unknown.

-The Storm of Chaos. They think its all over ....  (Harry)
Archaon has been redone and his story will be the backbone of the storyline for the new book. It will look at his re-emergence from the chaos waste and the gathering of another Army to march upon the Empire.
-The book will also focus more on several of the larger tribes. Not a huge focus, just some background stories.
-We will see a real Germanic feel with the book, in regards to the savage marauding tribes.
-There will also be renewed focus on the Chaos Gods and independent heroes for each one of them. People will be able to tailor their Army to run on a single God easier than before. (Birdy via Harry)
-Krom is in the book. (MsDarkness)
-Van Horstmann in as a special character can use Light and Tzeentch magic. (MsDarkness)
-Van Horstmann gets a lot of attention in the new book. (Birdy via Harry)

-Plastic chariot/warshrine. (Hastings, Harry, NatTreehouse, Scoopdeta, Darnocks Birdy)
-Chaos Warshrine- This will be the big kit for the WoC and will be similar to what was released for the -Empire in regards to their altar. It will be a large kit that has options for each of the Chaos Gods. The sculpt will be on the same base size at the war altar. (Birdy via Harry)
-New Monsterous cavalry unit. (Harry, Birdy via Harry) Not sure if this is the Dragon Ogres or something else on top of or instead of the dragon ogres.
-Don’t be surprised if there is a few monsterous cavalry options. (TheDarkGeneral)
-Monsterous options for chariot steeds and warshrine.(Valdaraukar)
-Plastic Dragon Ogres. (Hastings, NatTreeHouse, Harry)
-New poseable Dragon Ogres similar to the Minotaur sprues!!! YES!!!! Finally options for Xtra Weapons or Great Weapons and larger models that represent what a Dragon Ogre size wise should look like! And lil' bitz for "marked" units!!!(TheDarkGeneral).
-On Bigger bases than current Dragon Ogres. (Birdy via Harry)
-I vagually rememeber a description I was given of the Dragon Ogres a long time ago. It sounded like the bodies were a lot more solid and stocky more rhino that dragon ... The description reminded me of a zoat more centaur like with the ogre part of the body very upright and at right angles to the back of the lower body ... quite different from the current models. Also wearing armour that made them look much more part of the Warriors of Chaos army. (Harry)
-I've heard that the plastic dragon ogres are very old ones that were declined from the previous release but that they've been reworked a little. I've also heard that from the play test rules there is (currently) an option to mount a chaos knight on them! I've also heard some plastic chaos ogres (which are also older sculpts) may also be getting released this time around and that they're "not very good"...(Birdy via Darnok)
-A Large plastic kit (that I'll leave as a surprise). (Hastings) (Presumably the Dragon)
-Plastic forsaken. (Hastings, NatTreehouse, Harry)
-Forsaken and chosen in one combined kit (Kyte)
-New plastic Marauders. Completely redone with several weapons choices. (Birdy via Harry)
-There are also youngbloods which will be smaller and nearly naked models with throwing knives/axes and such that burst out of the units of marauders. (Birdy via Harry)
-Chaos Dragon Kit. (Msdarkness)
-Finecast Characters (Hastings)
-Throgg Troll king. (Hastings, Darnocks Birdy) Huge and close to artwork in current book (Darnocks Birdy)
-Archaon has been remodeled and apparently is amazing, with option of being on foot or mounted.(Birdy via Harry)
-Female witch (Eldargal)
-Valkia the bloody (Eldargal)
-Egrimm Van Horstmann has been resculpted. He comes mounted on an awesome new dragon sculpt. (Birdy via Harry)
-Zoat's for Chaos (once again) is indeed a rumor that I heard along with new monstrous cav for chosen style marked knights! ... Snip ... (Zoats are always associated with wood elves) ... Snip ... in truth Chaos could take Zoats back in 3rd Edition from the Slaves to Darkness & Lost and the Damned Chaos books. (TheDarkGeneral
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: WoC rumors
« Yanıtla #1 : Ekim 11, 2012, 05:36:19 ÖS »

juggernaught süren chaos knightlar... tek kelime KAÇIN!!!
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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« Yanıtla #2 : Ekim 11, 2012, 08:03:47 ÖS »
bu konu hakkında uzun süredir warseerda rumorlar sürüyor... Bir kaç hafta öncesine kadar chaos Knightların Dragon Ogreler üzerine bineceğine dair söylentiler vardı.. haydi bakalım bir gelsinler de görelim :) Zaten para yok bride böyle yeni model falan yapılmaz ki :)


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  • War, war never changes...
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Ynt: WoC rumors
« Yanıtla #3 : Ekim 11, 2012, 09:27:42 ÖS »
Hellcannon ile ilgili bir rumor yok nedense...
War, war never changes...


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« Yanıtla #4 : Ekim 12, 2012, 05:56:16 ÖS »
Top atınca ölüyor mu bunlar?



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« Yanıtla #5 : Ekim 12, 2012, 06:03:47 ÖS »
ben zaten topun atınca vurmadığını ve vurduğu şeyin ölmediğini daha hiç görmedim.

bayaa sniper.
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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« Yanıtla #6 : Ekim 12, 2012, 06:10:48 ÖS »
Top atınca ölüyor mu bunlar?


ölmezlerse (hani blasted standard vs) topu da durdurmuş oluyorlar ama ;) Monstrous cavalry ve ölmeme durumu bakalım kaç woundlu olacaklar ? Empire angry birdlerinin kaç woundu var bu arda ? Baktım 3 woundları varmış, demekki bu amcalarında en az 3 woundu olacak... bu demektir ki to wound zarında 1-2 atarsan yine topu durduruyorlar... :)
« Son Düzenleme: Ekim 12, 2012, 06:19:43 ÖS Gönderen: Azactoth »


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« Yanıtla #7 : Ekim 12, 2012, 08:40:27 ÖS »
Empire topundan umudu kestim zaten artık yaşasın ogre topu!


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: WoC rumors
« Yanıtla #8 : Ekim 24, 2012, 10:46:53 ÖÖ »

yeni white dwarf ın içi WoC fotografları ile dolu.

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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« Yanıtla #9 : Ekim 24, 2012, 10:51:08 ÖÖ »
Her şeyi almanca söyleyince daha sert duruyor cidden.  :)

Hatta deneyelim mesala: Kieger Des Chaos!
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: WoC rumors
« Yanıtla #10 : Ekim 24, 2012, 11:56:05 ÖÖ »
Çok güzel olmuşlar gibime geldi.
Tomb Kings


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« Yanıtla #11 : Ekim 24, 2012, 12:17:27 ÖS »
Üstat Almancada artikel önemli şimdi

Khorne ise
Keiger Der Chaos

Nurgle ise
Kieger Das Chaos

Slanesh ise
Kieger DerDie Chaos

Tzeentch ise

Kieger ? Chaos

ne alakaysa...
dey layt com and me wan go hom...

DNA Maniac

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« Yanıtla #12 : Ekim 24, 2012, 01:09:33 ÖS »
Almanca bilmeyenlerimiz için sadece das mevcut! die der filan yok! :D
“Almanlıktan aldığım tadı hiç bişeyden almadım.. Belki bilardo.. Ama yok lan Almanlık daha güzel” Adolf Hitler


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« Yanıtla #13 : Ekim 24, 2012, 10:56:32 ÖS »
açıkçası statları hayal kırıklığı, Angrybirds'e binen insan T4,3 Wound... Juggernaut a binen Chaos Knight T5,2W garip olmuş... neyse 60 puan olması kurtarıyor... Masa üstünde görmek lazım... Ba arada resimler çok net değil ama sanırım metal jugger modelini platiğe çevirip üstüne Knight modellerini oturtmuşlar... bir de bir ton para isteyecekler bu modellere... Diğer slanesh binekli marauderlerin modelleri ise bence tam bir facia... Her iki modelde sanki yeni modeller değilde kit bash ile yapılmış gibi durmuyor mu sizce de ? Hani Slanesh binekleri üzerine şu an ki marauder horsemen modelleri oturtulmuş gibi... ya benin GW den beklentilerim yükseldi yada adamların rumorların bir yerinde yazdıkları gibi yıllar öncesinden hazırlanmış modelleri yeni gibi piyasaya sürüyorla... Bakalım darısı dragon ogrelerin başına iddaya göre onların modellerinin de sculpting tarihleri bir önceki chaos kitabının çıkış tarihiymiş... O zamanlar uygun kalitede görülmeyip üretilmemişler... yeni modeller o üretilmemiş modellere çok benziyormuş... vs...vs.... neyse gelsinler görelim...


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« Yanıtla #14 : Ekim 29, 2012, 08:45:12 ÖÖ »

Buyrun beyler Chaos Modelleri Advanced Order'a düşmüş... Bu arada çıkardıkları Warshrine modeli hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz ?