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Gönderen Konu: Army lists – Australian 40K Masters  (Okunma sayısı 3940 defa)


  • İleti: 1627
Army lists – Australian 40K Masters
« : Ocak 26, 2013, 09:43:15 ÖÖ »
buu daha önce konuştuk mu bilmiyorum(bakındım bulamadım) yazıldıysada fikir vermesi açısısındna tekrar atamamda sakınca yok.

Aşağıda da belirtildiği gibi 6th le beraber meta nın nasıl değiştiği ordu listelerinden belli.


This weekend will see the Australian 40K Masters Tournament, and all indications point to it being a blood bath.

The roster of 16 competitors is made up of winners of the State masters events and RankingHQ’s top ranked players in the country, who claim they will be throwing their best armies at one another in hopes of taking home the prize.

I think the thing that really makes this event competitive though is that these are all people who have hit the Podium at event after event in order to qualify, and it has just sunk in that one of them has to come 16th this time! Nothing wrong with that, just qualifying for a National Masters event grants bragging rights, but still… I hope it’s not me lol.

Last year’s I managed to win the Masters with a clean sweep of major wins or tablings, but how much has changed since then. It’s not just the rise of the Necrons or the new Daemons White Dwarf casually inserted into the meta-game, it is now much harder to create a true “Take All Comers” list due to the growth in extreme builds. Frankly I will be really surprised if anyone manages to get through this tournament unscathed with nothing but wins.

And now, I present the Armies of the Australia 40K Masters. Spoiler alert – remember how at the end of 5th Grey Knights were everywhere? Those days are gone.  At the Masters this year there will be more Screamers than a Beatles Concert.

ru486baby: Daemons – Chaos Marines
* Fateweaver, Oracle of Tzeentch (333pts)
WS4 S5 T5 W3 A2 LD9 3++ Rerollable

5x Flamers
5x Flamers
5x Flamers

*5x Plaguebearer
*5x Plaguebearer
*5x Plaguebearer

9x Screamers
6x Screamers
6x Screamers

* Chaos sorcer (125pts)
Lv.3 mastery, Force Maul, Spell familiar

* Chaos Cultists (55pts)
* 10x Cultists Flamer

* Helldrake (170pts) Bale Flamer

* Agies Defence Line (70pts)
Comm. Relay

Marines Lizard: Space Wolves
Wolf Lord – Thunderwolf Mount, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, Wolf Tooth Necklace – 235

5 Wolf Guard Terminators – 2 Chainfists, Assault Cannon – 225
1 Lone Wolf – Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves – 105

10 Grey Hunters – 2 Melta Guns – 155
10 Grey Hunters – 2 Melta Guns – 155
10 Grey Hunters – 2 Plasma Guns – 160
10 Grey Hunters – 2 Plasma Guns – 160
10 Grey Hunters – 2 Plasma Guns – 160

3 Thunderwolf Cavalry – 150

5 Long Fangs – 4 Missile Launchers – 115
5 Long Fangs – 4 Missile Launchers – 115
5 Long Fangs – 4 Missile Launchers – 115

Drazah: Chaos Daemons
HQ Kairos Fateweaver
HQ The Masque of Slaanesh
HQ BlueScribes of Tzeentch

6 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
6 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle

6 ELITE Flamers of Tzeentch
9 ELITE Flamers of Tzeentch

8 FAST Screamers of Tzeentch
8 FAST Screamers of Tzeentch
7 FAST Screamers of Tzeentch

Buddah: Space Wolves GK
HQ: Rune Priest, Jaws of the World Wolf, Tempests Wrath (100)

9 Wolf Guard; 2 x Terminator Armour with Chainfist/Combi Plasma, 1 x Terminator Armour with Chainfist/Combi Flamer, 4 x Power Armour with Combi Flamer, 2 x Power Armour
Drop Pod (322)

8 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Wolf Standard Drop Pod
8 Grey Hunters, Plasma Gun, Wolf Standard Drop Pod

5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers Drop Pod
6 Long Fangs, 5 Missile Launchers Drop Pod

Inquisitor Coteaz

10 Grey Knights, 2 Psycannons,Psybolt Ammunition,Justicar with Halberd (245)
3 Inquisitorial Henchmen; 2 Warrior Acolytes, 1 Banisher (23)

5 Grey Knight Interceptors, Psycannon, Justicar with Daemonhammer (150)

Dreadnought, 2 x Twin Linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition (135)

Aegis Defence Line, Quad-gun (100)


Aeon Necrons – Chaos Space Marines
1 Overlord, 115 pts = (base cost 90 + Warscythe 10 + Mindshackle Scarabs 15) gauss cannons
1 Catacomb Command Barge, 80 pts

1 Overlord, 115 pts = (base cost 90 + Warscythe 10 + Mindshackle Scarabs 15) gauss cannons
1 Catacomb Command Barge, 80 pts

1 Sorcerer (HQ) [Chaos], 75 pts = (base cost 60 + Mark of Nurgle 15) force axe

10 Chaos Cultists (Troops) pistols and CCW [Chaos]

5 Warriors, 65 pts = 5 * 13 1 Night Scythe tesla destructor, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts = 5 * 13 1 Night Scythe tesla destructor, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts = 5 * 13 1 Night Scythe tesla destructor, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts = 5 * 13 1 Night Scythe tesla destructor, 100 pts
5 Warriors, 65 pts = 5 * 13 1 Night Scythe tesla destructor, 100 pts

1 Heldrake (Fast) baleflamer [Chaos], 170 pts

1 Annihilation Barge tesla, 90 pts
1 Annihilation Barge tesla, 90 pts
1 Annihilation Barge tesla, 90 pts

1 Aegis Defence Lines, 70 pts = (base cost 50 + Comms Relay 20)

Matt Shadowlord – Imperial Guard and Chaos Daemons
This has a post of its own and it includes a splash of screamers.

Difsta: Daemons and Imperial Guard
The Blue Scribes
The Masque
Company Command with mortar and officer of the fleet (-1 to opponent’s reserve rolls)

5 Plague Bearers
5 Plague Bearers
Infantry Platoon:
- Platoon Command
- Infantry Squad, Autocannon, Krak Grenades and Commissar
- Infantry Squad, Autocannon, Krak Grenades
- Infantry Squad, Autocannon, Krak Grenades

9 Flamers
5 Flamers
5 Flamers

8 Screamers
8 Screamers
8 Screamers

Aegis Defence Line with Comms Relay

JasonC: Imperial Guard  – Space Wolves
Primaris Psyker
Platoon Command/flamer

Special weapons squad/3 flamer

Veterans/3 melta

Psyker Battle Squad (8 psykers)



RunePriest/runic armour

10x Grey Hunters/2 melta/wolf standard/pod
10x Grey Hunters/2 plasma/wolf standard/pod

6x Wolf Guard/6 combi plasma/pod

Zidi Dark Eldar
Haemonculous – Shattershard, Venom Blade

8 Incubi – Klaivex
Raider – Nightshields, Ethersails
5 Trueborn – 3 Blasters, 2 Splintercannons
Venom – Nightshields, extra SC
5 Trueborn – 3 Blasters, 2 Splintercannons
Venom – Nightshields, extra SC

10 Wracks – 2 Liqifiers, Acothyst
Raider – Nightshields
10 Wracks – 2 Liqifiers, Acothyst
Raider – Nightshields
5 Warriors – Shredder
Venom – Nightshields, extra SC, GT (re-roll LD 6 inch bubble)
5 Warriors – Shredder
Venom – Nightshields, extra SC, GT (re-roll LD 6 inch bubble)
3 Wracks
Venom – Nightshields, extra SC

Ravager – Nightshields
Ravager – Nightshields
Ravager – Nightshields


Stormlord AU: Necrons

•If Zahndrekh is on the battlefield, choose one friendly unit which then gains one of the following special rules: Acute senses, Counter attack, FC, H&R, Night vision, Stealth, Tank hunters.
•If Zahndrekh is on the battlefield, choose one enemy unit within line of sight. They lose the following special rules: Acute, Counter attack, FC, H&R, Night vision, Stealth, Tank hunters.
•If Zanhdreks is on the battlefield, any numbner of reserves that are able to deep stirke can choose to enter play int he enemy turn, via deep strike, immediately after any enemy unit has arrived from reserve, normally during the enemy’s movement phase.
(If Zahndrek’s army goes 2nd, then this means the reserves (usually night scythes) get an extra free turn of shooting. If Necrons went first, it is less effective but does mean they are all on on turn 2).

Overlord (Warscythe; Mindshackle Scarabs; Sempiternal Weave; Phase Shifter)

2 x Royal Court (Harbinger of Despair, Harbinger of Eternity (Chrono))


5 Deathmarks (Night Scythe)


6 Warriors (Night Scythes)
6 Warriors (Night Scythes)
6 Warriors (Night Scythes)
10 Immortals (Gauss)(Night Scythe)

Heavy Support
Doom Scythes
Doom Scythes


Mortarn Chaos Marines
Lord – MoK, axe of blind fury, sigil of corruption, Juggernaut, long war

26 cultists
26 cultists
5 chosen – autocannon
5 chosen- autocannon
5 chosen- autocannon

Helldrake- baleflamer

3 Obliterators- Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the long war
3 Obliterators- Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the long war
3 Obliterators- Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the long war


WolfLord: BA – SW
Librarian, Jump Pack, Force Axe 125
Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack 75

10 Assault marines, 2 Flamers, Sergeant Melta Bomb + Hand Flamer 215
10 Assault marines, 2 Meltaguns, Sergeant Melta Bomb 215
10 Assault marines, 2 Meltaguns, Sergeant Melta Bomb 215

Stormraven, Twin Linked Multi Melta, Twin Linked Assault Cannon 200
Stormraven, Twin Linked Multi Melta, Twin Linked Lascannon 200

Allied Detachment : Space Wolves
Wolf Lord, Runic Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf, Saga of the Bear 260
WS6 BS5 S5/10 T5 (EW) W3 I5/1 A5 LD10 2+3++
2 Thunderwolf Cavalry, 1 Storm Shield 130
WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W2 I4 A4/5 3+ / 3++

10 Grey Hunter, 2 Meltaguns, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Drop Pod 215

“The Dark Angel” Space Wolves and Dark Angels
Logan Grimnar (275points, #1) -
WS6 S5/8 T4 W3 I5/1 A5 2+4++
Rune Priest (100 points, #1) – jaws of the world wolf, living lightning

8 Wolf Guard Pack (259points, #8) – 3x(boltguns), 1x(combi-meltas & power fists), 1x(combi-plasma & power fist), 2x(combi-meltas), 1x(terminator armour, powerfist & cyclone missile launcher)
Dedicated transport – Drop pod (35 points, #1)

Grey Hunters Pack (120points, #7) – 1x melta gun, 1x wolf standard Drop pod (35 points, #1)
Grey Hunters Pack (155points, #8) – 1x plasma gun, 1x wolf standard, 1x power axe  Drop pod (35 points, #1)

Long Fangs Pack (140points, #6) – 5x missile launchers

Aegis Defence Line (100 points #0) – quad gun

Dark Angels HQ
Belial – (130points, #1) – thunder hammer & storm shield

Deathwing Terminator Squad (265points, #5)
- sergeant – storm bolter & power sword,
- apothecary – thunder hammer & storm shield,
- cyclone missile launcher, storm bolter & power fist,
- 2x storm bolter & power fist

Fast Attack
Ravenwing Attack Squadron (200points, #4) – 2xplasma guns, 1xattack bike with multi-melta

Total 1849points, 13kp’s

-extra points to Dark Angel for sticking to his guns and using an army that matches his name. I expect he then loses them for being so old fashtioned he still counts his Kill points 


Thoughts, comments, accusations? Any surprises in there? Did anyone hope that eastern state Australia would continue to hold out as a bastion of Comp? And is there any way we can get the Tournament organisers to pitch the Daemons vs Daemons in mirror matches so they can finish their games while the rest of us are still deploying?

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 5830
    • E-Posta
Ynt: Army lists – Australian 40K Masters
« Yanıtla #1 : Ocak 26, 2013, 10:31:11 ÖÖ »
Yav, ne biçim listeler yav.  Screamers & Tzeetch listelerinin çok iş yaptığını biliyordum ama... Kuul. Keşke yapan olsa da oynayabilsek. İnsanın biraz içi gidiyor hani.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain