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Gönderen Konu: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi  (Okunma sayısı 11737 defa)


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Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« : Ocak 16, 2013, 10:58:41 ÖS »
Şubat, Mart diyenler vardı.. Herhalde iyice yaklaştı. Bell of Lost Souls'dan:

Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls - the Ruinous Powers are coming to a tabletop near you.  Here's the latest.

Voices in the Wind say:

Look for dual 40K/WFB Chaos Daemons army book-codexes in Feb/March.
They should be in the March White Dwarf, and hit the street end of February

New Models (cut this list into two equal sized waves - one with the codex, one following up a quarter later).
- All four Greater Daemon plastic kits with named options
- Plastic Furies, dual-option kit with "Flesh Terrors"
- Plastic Khorne Chariot, herald, dual kit with a cannon, pulled by Bloodcrushers
- Plastic Tzeentch Chariot, herald, dual kit with "flame-beast" pulled by screamers, ( 40k: a Skimmer)
- Plastic Nurgle Palanquin, (chariot), carried by Nurglings, (combines with Nurgle GD kit for named character model - Ku'gath)
- Nurgle Plague-flies jetbikes/monsterous cavalry (40K-Elites, WFB-Rares)
- New Daemon-engine, bipedal with atypical porportions, uses ectoplasmic weaponry of CSMs, has numerous options for CC or Ranged loadout. (40K- Heavy, WFB-Special)
- New Daemon flying MC. (40K-Fast Attack-flyer, WFB-Rare)

- Daemon Princes with Wings will move slots in 40K.
- Look for across the board points increases in the codex/army book.

Daemons hala oynanıyordu ama kuralları 6th ile çelişkili hale gelmeye başlamıştı. Süper über olacak!  Daemon plastic kitleri özellikle heyecanla beklemekteyim.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #1 : Şubat 08, 2013, 08:18:54 ÖÖ »
Chaos Daemons are only a short ways out, and it was time to show what it is that has been rumored after all these months. We should be seeing something soon in the third week of February regarding the codex and army book. So until then, here is a compilation of what is rumored to be coming out.

Please remember that these are rumors.

via Stickmonkey from Bols
 Overview and Schedule

The Chaos Daemons release slot as last time around is a dual system release, updating the repsective armies for both Warhammer 40,000, and Warhammer Fantasy.  There are a large number of models to be released as well as both books, so look for it to get broken up into 2 waves at least - with the lower possibility of 3 waves.

Look for the initial wave next month, and follow up waves a quarter later.   That would put the first wave in March and the followup in June.  Note however that Games Workshop has this thing for releasing Daemons in August - so that second wave might slide a little.

In any case, onto the waves themselves:

Wave 1
BloodThirster/Skarbrand (plastic)
Great Unclean One (plastic)
Chariot of Khorne/Herald of Khorne/Khorne Cannonade (anyone remember the old epic Doom Blaster)
Plague Flies of Nurgle
Palanquin of Nurgle/KuGath upgrade/Herald of Nurgle
Fiend of Slaanesh
There is also word of a named Daemon Prince and several smaller finecast models as well.

This round of rumors is regarding the Second Wave, penciled in for June. Note however that Games Workshop has this thing for releasing Daemons in August - so that second wave might slide a little.

In any case, onto the waves themselves:

Wave 2
Keeper of Secrets/(Named GD of Slaanesh)
Lord of Change/Fateweaver
Furies/(Chaos ground daemons...I've heard this alternate kit unit has an "unstable" rules granting them an extra save, a 12" teleport, and a chance to lose models (determined randomly).
Hounds of Khorne
An all new Tzeentch Flyer... (NOT the Heldrake)
Chariot of Tzeentch/ Flame cannon alt kit)

Compilation via Zion over on Heresy Online
Compiled on January 2nd
Daemon Rumours
For those who just want the quick compilation here it is (actual links and rumour postings are below the compilation for those who want to see where this is all coming from):

Writer: Jeremy Vetock (both books!) (if this is true, it might be why we haven't seen that much from him recently prior to the DA book)
Projected Release: Dual Release in Feb (primarily gathered from other rumours)

Chaos Beast (Maybe this guy? ) Approximately Daemon Prince sized/about twice as tall as a Bloodletter
Furies getting redone. Approximately Gargoyle sized with bat wings and a number of different head options (heads are 2 section heads like the Bloodletters). Dual kit with a ground based model option as well. Plastic kit.
New Elite Daemon Engine. Approximately Dreadnought sized. Lots of options with some God-specific model bits. Rumoured to be unique to Daemons.

New Greater Daemon Model (Resin Conversion Pack to make Named Greater Daemons)
Jes Goodwin rumoured to be the one who sculpted/is sculpting the new Bloodthirster
Khorne Chariot (2 Bloodcrushers pulling something that looks like a wagon) with a Herald or some kind of new model that looks like it's belching fire.
Some kind of large flame belcher thing (maybe same as the option for the chariot?)
New Bloodthirster reportedly is a little shorter than the Dreadknight, hasn't changes too much in style though.

New Greater Daemon Model (Resin Conversion Pack to make Named Greater Daemons)
New Chariot, pulled by screamers with Horrors riding it. Has an alternate Large Flamer (Pyrocastser perhaps?) rider option too.
Large Flamer (Pyrocaster perhaps? Maybe the same as the chariot character) “instead of horrors” (again, I have no idea what they mean by this, as it's an odd statement that doesn't make too much sense).
New Lord of Change is the tallest of the new Greater Daemons (not counting the wings). Apparently less hunched than before, and has a “fishy looking” option.

New Greater Daemon Model (Resin Conversion Pack to make Named Greater Daemons)
Plastic Fiends were in the works. Current status unknown.
New Keeper of Secrets is a whole new design, shirking the old design and the FW one for something different, but still “very Slanneshi”.

New Greater Daemon Model (Resin Conversion Pack to make Named Greater Daemons)
Large Base Palanquin, Nurglings, Daemon Prince Base, Fat Plague Bearer (I'm not sure what this one means, this is the actual sentence from the rumour)
New Ku'gath design?
No Blight Drone
Some kind of large Nurgle flies being ridden by Plaguebearers
New Great Unclean One reportidly the best of the new Greater Daemon options (“absolutely rot, in a good way”)

Rumours of a Chaos piece of terrain, no word on if it made it past the idea stage or if it's just wishlisting.
No word of other Exalted Chariot options at this time
All models are designed for both Fantasy and 40k now
Only Characters getting models are the ones who haven't gotten one yet
Daemons update will not be a huge overhaul to the books, mostly an addition of new models (I'm guessing some rules changes, points costs and some statlines will get tweaked a bit too if the WD update is anything to go by)
New Greater Daemons looked bigger than the old ones, might be moving to a larger base size
Greater Daemons might be wave releases instead of when the book drops.

The Rumour Posts:
These are all from Warseer's Fantasy Rumour section, though from the rumurs they should also carry over to the 40k codex which is supposed to drop at the same time (if the rumours are true).

Harry on Warseer:
In an effort to pull together what few rumours we have …
I have started threads for each of the armies rumoured to be somewhere in the pipeline.
I will do my best to keep the first posts updated as more rumours appear in these threads.
I have tried to remember as much as I can of what has been posted so far.
I will have missed or forgotten some of it ... so, any rumours that have been posted please just remind me ‘who’ said ‘what’ and I will update this first post.

Daemons of Chaos:
I know we have only just had a wave of Daemons but now we have this from hastings:

Release Date:
"The daemon rules should be taken as a stepping stone to the updated book (much like the wd vc terrorgheist article) next 4 books (for both systems are all chaos (in one form or another) and will hit within 4-5 months for all of them". (Hastings).
To clarify....Books: CSM, WoC, DoC, Chaos Daemons
All will be realeased within 4-5 months of the CSM codex hitting (sep afaik) (Hastings)

So we are talking february at the latest?

Unknown ... Beyond those suggested by the rules booklet in the recent WD

All 4 greater Deamons will get plastic kits (with head/weapon options plus wfb/40k specific bits on sprues) and that there will be "resin conversion packs" to make "named greater Deamons". (Hastings) No idea of timescales on this. I am not expecting them to arrive together Or with this wave. (Harry)
Jes Goodwin is rumoured to be doing the Bloodthirster. (BRING IT ON! ) No timescale for this. (NatTreehouse)
Khorne chariot, two bloodcrushers pulling a wagon with herald option or some fire belching thing. Large base
Tzentch chariot, pulled by screamers, with horrors riding, but I've also heard it has a large flamer rider too. Large base
Nurgle palanquin, nurglings, daemon prince base, fat plague bearer.
4 GD with variants for named daemons and swappable options, most rumors point to resin packs, but I've heard wind its all in the plastic kits lately. I'd lean towards Harry's news, but I hope for all in one myself. I have heard that these may be moving to the larger base now, if so, they will be huge. One can hope, but I don't have a lot of confidence in this bit.
Furies (no dual kit options I've heard of.) in plastic.
Plastic fiends were being worked on at one point, but I haven't heard anything about them recently.
New elite daemon engine. 40k Dreadnought sized. Lots of options. Quasi-God specific bits like the soulgrinder. Supposedly unique to daemons not the same as this new unit for chaos space marines.(Stickmonkey)
Big khorn flame belcher thing
Tzeentch Larger flamer instead of horrors.
Sounded like more ranged options for the daemons.(Stickmonkey)

Maybe their are just two books ... with daemons included!!!

EDIT: Although hastings is pretty clear...
To clarify....
Chaos Daemons
All will be realeased within 4-5 months of the CSM codex hitting (sep afaik)

There has been some chatter on a demonic terrain piece, but I'm putting it down to wishlisting for now, nothing solid. Portal? meh. Shrine? meh.

I got to see the Ku'gath designs recently. Pretty Ace. The lab is wild, with nurgling assistants. I'm looking forward to seeing it translated to a model.

No more exalted least not that I've heard of.

I did see a design for a big unaligned chaos beast of some kind. Looked like a oversized bear with a toothy maw instead of a head. No idea if it ever went on to be a model. Probably daemon prince sized. Design had a bloodletter drawn next to it which may have been half it's height.
I'm thinking the Chaos Beasts might be based on this guy. He's about twice the height of your infantry sized models after all.

Hastings (in response to a question regarding the Blight Drone being added to the 40K codex, this was confirmed again in the Fantasy rumour thread as a valid rumour):
Not blight drones but similar, I can see 40k players using the FW blight drones instead of the big nurgle flies ridden by plagubearers that are getting released.

Looks like my sourcing is again off on timelines. So I'm putting in an update on it here, lots of things have changed to me since my last timeline thread. (I want to repeat, these are rumors, almost none of this really "changes" per se, GW's got their plan, I don't, I get information that aligns from a few sources and try to base what I tell you on that)

Was correct on WoC for Nov, as that's in the bag now, moving on to Dec.

Daemons. Still on track. Vetock doing WFB and 40k books, but I havent had confirmation that the books are actually coming in Jan. Expect Greater Daemons in plastic, a couple new chariots, a new daemon engine, and a couple new characters (well...characters which have never received models) Word is the Daemons update will not be a huge overhaul to the current book. Expect few new units. But the new GD models are phenomenal, love every one of them, especially the new GUO. None of the new units are single system, everything is in both 40k and WFB now.
Obviously he was off on Jan (that is Dark Angels), but the other stuff he mentions lines up with other rumours, and he gives us an author.

I forgot about Furies. They have been redone, they are coming for Daemons, they look so much better than the current models. The question will be if their rules make them worth it. They are about Nid Gargoyle sized, maybe a bit larger. Bat wings. Much more daemonic heads with toothy maws in 2 parts like the horrors and bloodletters. Not the bat men of old. Dual kit with a new ground based daemon, much like the vargheist/crypt horrors (which I've mentioned before).

There are a lot of questions winging my way about the GD. So to try to address those:
1. I don't know for sure all 4 will be released at once or if they will be in waves.
2. I have conflicting rumors they are moved to the oval base and are roughly the size of the beastmen gorghon, vs staying on the 60mm round bases. Based on my personal eyes on on WIP before, they are bigger. The GUO was not as big as the FW model, but its bigger than a dreadnought. My source says the GUO is the best looking of the new models, that it is "absolutely rot, in a good way".
3. The BT should be slightly shorter than the dreadknight. stylewise it hasnt changed much.
4. The KoS is the most changed style wise. Does not go towards the FW model or retain the style of the current GW model. Still very slaaneshi
5. The LoC AFAIK is the tallest of the models, not just due to the wings. Did not appear as hunched as before. Head options include a more fishy looking option
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #2 : Şubat 19, 2013, 08:22:06 ÖÖ »
Chaos Daemons: Rules for Blood Thirsters and More

Earlier today we had details arrive on the upcoming Chaos Daemons codex that is due for pre-orders on the 23rd of this month. Now we have some rumor bits featuring the Blood Thirster, Great Unclean one, Bloodletter, and Daemonettes.

Please remember that these are still rumors until we get the codex in our hands. However we are getting close, so I would assume we are getting more defined information.

via Matt (not his real name) from the Faeit 212 inbox
Now that GW have released their teaser trailer I can give you the big scoop of information I have been holding. This information has only been told to a view of us and you must realise that is why we had to wait for GW to make their move. So this is what I know in the way of rules, stats and points - their is a view upgrades but nothing to amazing.

I will start with the big daemons -
The bloodthirsters : 280pts
WS  BS  S   T   W   I   A   LD   SV
10    4    9  7    5   5   5    10   5+
Daemonic gifts: blood axe, armour of terror, whip of destruction
special rules: daemon, daemonic flight, furious charge, rage,blood without end
blood axe - user gains a previously lost wound he has lost earlier in game for every kill he makes on a 4+
armour of terror - user gains a 2+ save and 5+ invulnerable. The bearer gains a 4+ feel no pain if the weapons AP in lower than 3
whip of destruction - 12'' shooting attack - strength 8 AP 4 rending
daemon - see page 36
daemonic flight- see chaos special rules
furious charge & rage - rule book (P41&37)

blood without end- the bloodthirsters gain +d6 attacks on the charge and makes another strike at initiative step 1 for every wound he causes.
These extra strikes do not produce any further strikes.

Great unclean one : 260pts
WS  BS  S   T   W   I   A   LD   SV
 5     4    6   8   6    1   4   10   6+
Daemonic gifts: plague sword of death, bloated body, aura of decay
special rules: daemon, slow and purposeful,my master gifts all,shrouded
plague sword of death - wounds everything on 2+ with an ap of 3 - turns characters into spawn
bloated body - the daemon has a 4+ armour save and a 3+ feel no pain on any weapon AP 5 or below.
aura of decay - the great unclean one has defensive and assault grenades and causes all enemy weapons to count as -1 strength (I believe this is ranged and
close combat)

daemon - page 36
slow and purposeful - page 42
shrouded- page 41

my master gifts all - pick an enemy and friendly unit at the beginning of the game. The enemy unit gains -1 toughness and strength while a friendly plaguebearers count as +1 strength and +1 to there feel no pain rolls.

troop units :
bloodletters: 14pts each
WS  BS  S   T   W   I   A   LD   SV
 5     0    5   4    1   4   2   10    6+
daemonic gifts: blood swords (strength: user  AP: 4)
special rules: daemon, furious charge,rage
unit type: infantry
Number/squad: 5-20

Daemonettes of slannesh: 12pts each
WS  BS  S  T   W   I   A   LD   SV
 4     0   4   3    1   6   2   10   6+
Daemonic gifts: rending claws
special rules: fleet, make them suffer (+1 added to strength - already included)
Unit type: infantry
Number/squad: 5-15

tzeench gift of betrayal -50pts (one use)
pick an enemy independent character at random, that model or unit must pass a leadership test with a -4 penalty or be removed  after being sucked into the warp for tzeench amusement, models from codex: space marine, dark angels,black templars,grey knights,space wolves,blood angels take a -2 penalty instead to represent their resistance from the dark gods temptations.

nurgle's blessing (30pts)
pick a nurgle unit in your army, that model/unit gains +1 to their feel no pain roll.

sword of a thousand souls: 45pts
the bearer must charge every enemy unit and must challenge but gain +2d6 extra attacks on the charge.

dance of death: 40pts
pick an enemy unit at the beginning of the game, that unit must roll a initiative test every turn of the game or is under the control of the daemon player. The unit under control may charge friendly models but cannot move off the board or into any piece of terrain that can cause hard to the model. If the enemy passes the initiative test more than three times during the battle then the dance has been removed for the remainder of the game
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #3 : Şubat 19, 2013, 08:32:41 ÖÖ »
Chaos Daemons: Losing Fearless and Eternal Warrior

There has been a lot of talk about what is going to happen when it comes down to Chaos Daemons and the new codex that is expected very soon. This morning we have a discussion about what is expected from Tastytaste, who has been very accurate over time with what he posts regarding rumors.

In this group, one of the biggest topics is Daemons losing Fearless and Eternal Warrior. This has been a quiet theme running for awhile, and not the first time we have heard this, but now with it all together perhaps it can get the conversation moving.

The next big thing listed here is...... No more Demonic Assault. This means going back to a standard deployment. As far as I am concerned, I have never really settled with the idea of a complete deep striking army the way daemons currently do it, so this for me is a good thing, but I am probably not in the majority here.

So please remember that this is a part rumor, part what Tastytaste expects (he has some well placed sources for information regarding what may or may not be coming out.)

via TastyTaste from Blood of Kittens
I am one to think that they aren't coming out just yet, but maybe with the April release. With rules rumors being hard to come by let us look at some obvious ones right in front us and others not so much.

As most people realize Daemons will lose both Fearless and Eternal Warrior replaced with 5+ invulnerable and Fear. Eternal Warrior never really made sense in the grand scheme of things anyway because wouldn't Force Weapons be perfect to "banish" Daemons back to the War? As for Fearless, see a return of "instability" which is going to be close to 5th edition Fearless.

As I stated in a previous rumor GW is hell-bent on having each army hate something. Daemons are no different they just seem to hate themselves now.

Taking a look at the Chaos Space Marine and Warriors of Chaos books you can see where this is going. Each Chaos God units will hate a certain other god. This leads into the next rules change right in front of us. Depending on the Daemon's God it will determine the special abilities they get.

Khorne: Furious Charge

Slaanesh: Rending, Run bonus, Fleet

Tzeentch: Re-roll 1s for saves

Nurgle: Slow & Purposeful, Shrouded

Other changes that will surely happen...

Flamers and Screamers are getting nerfed, but the real big change will be Deamons having standard Deployment rules: no more Daemonic Assault.

The big reason Deamons were fast tracked has to do with Alessio Cavatore. Chatting with a few inside GW there has been an everything Alessio purge, and Daemons are the last big chunk of Alessio material left. Yeah, I know it sounds kinda petty, but it was a major impetus to get Daemons done. Daemons will still primarily be an assault based army, but that is the nature of the models having to be used both for Fantasy and 40k. That means Daemons will rely on speed to get across the board. Expect Chariots, warp portals, beasts, cavalry, jump troops to help with all this. Then there is cover saves Nurgle is the first piece of the puzzle, but just like certain Dark Angel things expect a "Clouds of Flies" to provide bonuses to cover saves all around. Chaos Space Marines and Deamons ICs will be able to join each other as long as their gods match up.

Things have been spares from all rumor mongers, but a lot has to do with GW "renewed" lock down; translated GW rumor monger wack'a'mole.
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • İleti: 425
  • For The Emperor
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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #4 : Şubat 19, 2013, 12:06:33 ÖS »
Eğer ki hellbladeler ap3 değilse bloodletterlar çöp olur bence... ama o bloodthirster ne yav :O
I am Alpharius


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #5 : Şubat 19, 2013, 01:49:53 ÖS »
Chaos consumes..

Ben genel olarak puanları çok düşürecekleri gibi bir hissiyata sahibim.. :) Hani büyük yaratıklar çok güçlü ve pahalı, küçükler ucuz ama çok da iyi sayılmayacak statlar.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #6 : Şubat 19, 2013, 03:08:40 ÖS »
 :o Blood Thirster ne olmuş öyle  :o


  • İleti: 425
  • For The Emperor
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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #7 : Şubat 19, 2013, 07:59:16 ÖS »
ruhi bloodletterlar 14 değilmiydi zaten?
I am Alpharius


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #8 : Şubat 19, 2013, 08:01:34 ÖS »
16 idi.. Ama bence 8-9 puan bile olabilir hani silahını AP3'den normal silaha çevirip, atak sayısını 1'e indirirlerse..
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #9 : Şubat 19, 2013, 08:40:11 ÖS »
Her şeyi niye bu kadar abartarıyorlar anlamıyorum yav  :P nerde denge


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #10 : Şubat 20, 2013, 08:10:11 ÖÖ »

Chaos Daemon Pics Have Arrived.

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #11 : Şubat 20, 2013, 09:23:12 ÖÖ »
Yeni modeller sizce de çok anime olmamış mı ?  :-\


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #12 : Şubat 20, 2013, 10:57:22 ÖÖ »
Biraz resim çekme ile ilgili diye düşündüm. Çok iğrenç olmasın diye uğraşmışlar.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain

Öz highlore

  • Misafir
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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #13 : Şubat 20, 2013, 11:39:32 ÖS »
çok başarılılar ama tema bnmde garibime gitti biraz :D
The elves are watching


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Ynt: Daemons of Chaos geliyor gibi
« Yanıtla #14 : Şubat 20, 2013, 11:54:06 ÖS »
"Şirin Şeytanlar" gibi bişey olmuş o tema harbiden o_O  Cidden o ne öyle anime gibi.