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Gönderen Konu: Tau  (Okunma sayısı 8934 defa)


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« : Şubat 05, 2013, 01:21:31 ÖS »

Okuması zor gelirse aklımda kalanlar:

-13 av hp 3 flyer
- T8 dev robot tarzı alet
- psy güçleri masa genelinde durduran turn etkili güç
- deepstrike gelen taret
- bayaa sağlam kroot ve vespid ekibi
- 12'' e fearless ve reroll to hit veren etheral
- Railgunlar sıktığı zaman masanın kenarına kadar JotWW efektli atış yapıyor
- Charge edip arka arkaya önüne geleni ezen knarloc MC

Sağlam olacak gibi, bakalım


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #1 : Şubat 05, 2013, 02:09:11 ÖS »
AV 13 Flyer zor geldi ama.. Ciddi çok iyi fikirler var arada.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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« Yanıtla #2 : Şubat 05, 2013, 02:30:21 ÖS »
AV 13 Flyer zor geldi ama.. Ciddi çok iyi fikirler var arada.
GW den bahsediyoruz fazladan 1-2 model satacaklarını bilseler Uçarcayı AV13 yapmakla kalmaz anasının nikahını da yanında verebilirler ;D ;D ;D


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« Yanıtla #3 : Şubat 05, 2013, 03:42:59 ÖS »
Ben ne zaman AV 14 üzerine çıkacaklar onu merak ediyorum, bir noktada bu da olacaktır elbette. Adamlar AV 15 HP 15 harbi Death Star yaoacaklar en sonunda herhalde, tek silah S:100 Ap:-10 500 atak falan  ;D


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #4 : Şubat 05, 2013, 04:00:13 ÖS »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #5 : Mart 18, 2013, 12:57:06 ÖS »
Çıktı çıkacak..

There has been a lot of information coming in this week regarding Tau. Some of what we have seen this week is conflicting, and I am going to go over some of the highlights here, of course more detail can be found over on Faeit 212, and in the Bols Lounge

Lets start with the most controversial.....

*Broadsides are Slow and Purposeful, 2+ and T4 now.
*They come with twin linked Rail Guns str8 ap1 railguns and can take plasma or missiles as well.
*They have a suit upgrade that let's them at the start of a shooting phase have skyfire.
*They don't have interceptor, nor do they snap fire ground targets.
*Can Splitfire still
*85pts- that includes base cost + skyfire upgrade

Rail Weapons
Rail Rifle S6 AP3
Rail Gun S8 AP1
Rail Cannon S10 AP1

Fire Warriors
*Have the option for all Firewarrior units within 6" to fire Overwatch
*Have a new special HQ
*Apparently this can potentially be 4 if the Fire Warrior special character is also attached.
*A character that allows Firewarriors to consolidate after Overwatch

Uber Suit
*The Tau uber suit is called "Riptide"
*Is a Jump Monstrous Creature
*rumored to be around 165 base but only start with twin-linked Plasma.
*Conflicting Reports but looks like its found in the Elite Foc
*Can take an Ion Accelerator upgrade: three S7 AP3 shots or one S8 AP2 Large Blast.
*There's supposedly a special rule on the Riptide called Nova Accelerator which can do 4 things:
1.Buff weaponry (unsure how or which weapons)
2.Double the shots of support weapons (missile pods ect)
3.Increase invulnerable save to 3++
4.Boost a stat

Tau Codex Author
*Jeremy Vetock

Model Releases Alongside the codex ( Looks like April 6th)
*Riptide large suit
*Flyer dual kit (fighter and bomber)
*New Battlesuit and Broadside models (not sure if these dual kit or not)
*Plastic Pathfinders
*A new Fire Warrior HQ (not sure if the special character mentioned above or a generic one)

Edit: Dev mech ve diğerleri:
« Son Düzenleme: Mart 18, 2013, 01:00:24 ÖS Gönderen: anchorite »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Bize her yer Nostramo


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #7 : Mart 26, 2013, 11:11:18 ÖÖ »
Bu Suitlerine Skyfire koymuşlar gibi görünüyor. S10 AP1 Skyfire mı....? Diye düşündüm.

NOT: Tabi bir de herkes ile Ally adamlar.. Hani oyun metasını hemen değiştirebilirler.
« Son Düzenleme: Mart 26, 2013, 11:14:37 ÖÖ Gönderen: anchorite »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #8 : Mart 26, 2013, 11:15:51 ÖÖ »
Bu Suitlerine Skyfire koymuşlar gibi görünüyor. S10 AP1 Skyfire mı....? Diye düşündüm.
Suitlerdeki Railgunlar S8 Ap1 diye biliyorum... ve evet isterlerse tur başında bu tur karaya yada havaya ateş edeceğimi seçebiliyorlar... Ama havaya ateş etmeyi secerlerse karaya snap fire dahi yapamıyorlar... En azından rumourlar böyle diyor :)


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #9 : Mart 28, 2013, 10:31:29 ÖÖ »

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #10 : Mart 28, 2013, 05:49:07 ÖS »

The latest White Dwarf is now in hand of some people, and wow, the information is flowing. Here it is in English, the latest information on Games Workshop's latest release... Tau

The following is a large collection of information gleaned from the Siyath that was posted on the Advanced Tau Tactica forums. I have compiled all that information in one place for you.

via  Siyath on Advanced Tau Tactia
I'm lucky enough to have my copy of the WD (English version) already in my hands. I've read only a couple of the first pages showcasing the release (literally just got home and sat down) and already I can say that, for example, the Razorshark can swap it's burst cannon for a missile pod, houses two seeker missiles in compartments above it's wings - plus that the main armament is indeed a quad ion weapon with 360 arc.

Well, more as I go: The Riptide. Apparently it's highly posable, "featuring joints at ankles, knees, hips, waist, shoulders and neck". So this is good news at least modeling-wise. Also, Riptide comes with five support systems - I'm not sure if this means the kit contains five of these or does it indeed have five hardpoints reserved for the various support systems. I suspect the former. There's a mention of a "velocity tracker" as a some kind of a new support system.

Okay, some more:
Missile drones as such apparently only come with the Broadside kit (not the shielded ones that come with Riptide). Not a difficult stretch to covert, though. The heavy rail rifles on Broadsides are twinlinked, and apparently either version, the heavy railrifle as well as the one packed with missiles can take a single seeker missile as an additional weapon.

Not much to say about the new commander with the Enforcer armour, apparently not too much compatible with existing XV8 models, since the pose is rather rigid. And yes, Finecast. The weapons portrayed are indeed the AFP and the CIB. The last picture on the page and especially the caption indicates the Crisis squad size has gone up from the previous 3, since there's 4 in the picture in addition to the commander and it's described as a squad.

Farsight, it's the Dawn Blade that we see there. Not much else to add, except perhaps the mention about there not being any question about where Farsight's loyalties lie since the "symbol of the Fire Caste proudly worn on his chest."

The Pathfinders' ion rifle is a new experimental weapon apprently exclusive to the Pathfinders. Six different drones can be built from the kit. Nothing to add about Darkstrider that we don't already know. Except that it's a "he", not "she" : ).

Squinting at the codex imagery, I can make out that the Cadre Fireblade has the following statistics:

WS4, BS5, S3, T3, W3, I3, A3, Ld9 and a 4+ save. He's Infantry(Character), and carries Combat armour (probably just the regular FW armor since it's listed on the FW entry too), pulse rifle, photon grenades and a markerlight.

He also has following Special Rules: Independent Character, Split Fire and Supporting Fire. Volley Fire: (paraphrased) not moving in the Movement phase, he and every model in his unit fire an additional shot (limited to pulse rifles and carbines).

Firewarrior stats:

WS2, BS3, S3, T3, W1, I2, A1, Ld7, 4+. Shas'uis are the same as these days. They carry combat armour, pulse rifles and photon grenades. Also have the Special Rule: Supporting Fire.

Alright, some more then. In random order, what I could deduce from the battlereport and decipher from the images.

All ion weapons are apparently overchargeable. This leads us to the two Interceptor Drones on the Sunshark. They're detachable, and armed with ionrifles that can be overcharged to produce a S8 Blast each. Fairly neat, I'd say. So the Sunshark's weaponry is twin-linked missile pod, 2 Interceptor Drones with twin-linked ionrifles, 2 seeker missiles and of course the main bombing armament. And the Sunshark is a Fast Attack choice in the FOC.

Speaking of FOC, looks like it's confirmed that the Riptide is indeed an Elite slot - no indication to the amount you can field, though. Curiously enough, in the 'rep lists the entry says "One XV104 Riptide..." which could be interpreted that there might be a way to field more in a single Elite slot. Don't know how far-fetched that is, but still...

Velocity Tracker is the Skyfire upgrade. Riptides and Broadsides at least can field these.

The ionrifle that the Pathfinders field contraticts a little with it being said being exclusive to the Pathfinders, but still the drones can field it too. But it seems to be the same weapon. Probably with severe restrictions (like 1 per team or 1 per 5 Pathfinders) but it does compete with the existing rail rifle. Pathfinders are still in Fast Attack.

Supporting Fire is an army special rule, so if not all, then at least a vast majority of the army possesses this. At least Broadsides did, according to the 'rep. And well, it is an army special rule. And yes, this is the one enabling nearby units to overwatch in addition to the just one that's being assaulted.

Stealth teams are still in Elite-slot. And the upgrade for BS2 overwatch is called "Counterfire defence systems". Hard to say if this is a support system or a team upgrade.

Broadsides still in Heavy Support.

For some odd reason all Crisis-suits seemed to be carrying the bonding knife. Not just the team leader anymore, apprently. And deducing from the hardpoint choices, multitracker indeed seems to be built in to the suits now. Still no idea what the elusive Puretide engram neurochip actually does, but it is carried by the XV8-05 commander in the 'rep. CIB and AFP are still experimental, it seems.

There's a codex size-comparison chart for the battlesuits, where it can be seen how the new Enforcer suit and the Broadside suit is 1,5 times as tall as the regular XV8. Not sure how well this translates to the models, but with what we've seen, that may be the case pretty accurately.

Deducing from the markerlight usage in the 'rep, the Crisis and the Broadsides still remain as BS3 units.

That's about it, I'll come back with more if I notice anything worthwhile.

[edit: Oh, and the Riptide's Ion Accelerator is S8 Large Blast when overcharged. Not S9, remembering that it's been speculated.]

No mention at all about the Railgun on the XV104. And to clear things up, there's no railgun / railcannon difference. Rail rifles are the smallest caliber wielded by drones and Pathfinders, a heavy rail rifle is wielded by the Broadsides and the railgun is the Hammerhead's main armament.

To clarify, there are two 'Vre bodyguards for the commander in the battlereport armylist entry

Re-reading some parts of the batrep, the passage is worded in such way that it's actually not exactly possible to say whether it's S8 overcharged or just... well, interpret yourselves, good people : ) It goes like this "...the Riptide's overcharged S8 Ion Accelerator would have inflicted Instant Death on..." But I'd guess the rumours about normally it firing about 4 or so S7 shots and overcharged it would be S8 Large Blast would be rather near on the money.

Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #11 : Mart 30, 2013, 08:12:57 ÖÖ »
« Son Düzenleme: Mart 30, 2013, 08:14:48 ÖÖ Gönderen: anchorite »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


  • İleti: 1627
Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #12 : Mart 30, 2013, 02:08:23 ÖS »
halil soyluyoru da dikkat etmemistim.

bu dev suit in kafasi hakkaten kucuk
Sigismund replied.'"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?
The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris" Torgadon put in "because there clinically insane."
-1st captain of the imperial fists and Captain of the 2nd Company of the luna wolves.
"Horus Rising"


  • Misafir
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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #13 : Mart 30, 2013, 02:24:08 ÖS »
White Dwarf ipad yeni cıktı ve hemen aldım. Yeni uçaklar, dev suit ve cadre fireblade muhabbetleri şık olmuş hakaten. Esas önemli değişiklikler codexi okuyunca anlaşılacak ama.

Yeni ordu kuralı olan supportive fire ve squad komutanı fireblade den gelecek ek özellikler ile Tau atış gücü manalı noktalara taşıncak sanırsam. Tabii 6th ed sayesinde medium range shooting orduların gücünün arttığı da düşünülürse Tau da rekaberçi ordular kurabilecek sanki

Beim bir hissiyatım daha var, ki bence en önemlisi bu. Yeni çıkan codexler über döver muhabbetini bitirdiler galiba hakaten. Necron codeximden bu yana işleri bayaa toparladılar.


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Ynt: Tau
« Yanıtla #14 : Mart 30, 2013, 09:58:34 ÖS »
Yeni modeller çok şık olmuş.. ve artık çok daha heroic pozlrdalar... Ben oldukça beğendim...