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Gönderen Konu: WARHAMMER FANTASY 9th Edition  (Okunma sayısı 14864 defa)


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« Yanıtla #15 : Kasım 26, 2014, 07:56:20 ÖÖ »
via Steve the Warboss
I have some more informations:

-The Work on the Rules has already completed
-Endtimes maybe not mentioned in the Rulebook
-The Designstudio seems working on Siege Rules for an Expansion
-The Starter Set will return to "step by step" introduction
-No allied Matrix like 40k, we become something like "factions"
-GW plans the release for May, Starter will come in June


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« Yanıtla #16 : Ocak 06, 2015, 10:54:27 ÖS »
9.edisyon hiç de beklemediğimiz gibi olabilir...

Originally Posted by Birdy
- 9th Edition to pick up where the ET leaves off in fluff, plus a couple of hundred years or so (to reboot the setting).

- The Warhammer World gets shattered on a dimensional level during the climax of the ET. No more "map of the Old World" - it's now little bubbles of reality, where pockets of civilisation try desperately to eke a living before the next collision with another bubble, which may be full of Chaos. (To address the problem of "how come my Tomb Kings of Khemri are fighting against Wood Elves from Athel Loren?", not that I get the impression that either of those will still exist, but you get the idea)

- New faction... heavily armoured, religious, "good" human warriors fighting with the power of the gods. (Warhammer Space Marines, basically). Karl Franz Ascended seems to be the prototype or precursor for this concept, AFAICT.

Quote Originally Posted by Another Birdy
9th edition will have 6 factions. Model diversity cut in half shelf space. New world and new age so current factions and lore aren't recognizable at all. Each new faction has like 3 core units that will always be on the shelf. Much faster releases of stuff, mainly characters and special units of 2-5 fancy models (like Morghasts) that have their own rules right in the box, so not dependent on a static army book. Many of the these non-core models are only available for a limited time (say 6 months to a year), so they don't take up shelf space forever and ever. Many existing models are not usable in 9th.

Quote Originally Posted by Birdy #3
We can expect the next edition of Fantasy to throw everything up in the air. The whole End Times move has been to wean people onto a whole new take on the Warhammer world and it's going to start with every army being "chaosified". We can expect army play styles and appearance to change quite dramatically and there will be a whole load of new models being released early on to tie everything together. This has caused quite a stir back at GW HQ as there are a lot of people behind the scenes (some of which are very well known to us) who don't like the changes that have been made. I have also been told that the models due to be released are some of the best to date!

Add to that (and by "Birdy Prime" I mean my best source so far):

Quote Originally Posted by Birdy Prime
'9th' [or] whatever is next for fantasy [...] coming 2015 in the summer. The new faction [plus] future releases after this point for five 'existing' factions (which plus this would make six) […] but I think there will be [...] more.


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« Yanıtla #17 : Ocak 07, 2015, 11:31:36 ÖS »


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« Yanıtla #18 : Ocak 08, 2015, 02:42:12 ÖS »
KoW'a geçerek iyi yapmışız mı?
War, war never changes...


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« Yanıtla #19 : Ocak 08, 2015, 08:38:52 ÖS »
KoW'a geçerek iyi yapmışız mı?

benim için KoW fantasy'e bir alternatif değil aslında, GW doğru düzgün bir edisyon yapmadıkça ana oyunum olacak bir oyun. ama bence WHFB 8. edisyon kurallarıyla olsun, ETC kurallarıyla olsun birçok kişinin oynamaya devam edeceği bir oyun olacak çünkü kimse 9.edisyonu oynamıcak gibi geliyor, en azından forumlarda yazılanlar böyle.


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« Yanıtla #20 : Ocak 23, 2015, 02:39:33 ÖS »
Chaos: Very large Dragon kit, spotted in the process of being painted up.  Two-headed, very serpentine in pose. Mounted by a Chaos Knight.  Taller than Nagash  enormous wings dwarf its large base. Said to be truly stunning.

Dwarfs: Large golem built of boulders/stone, covers with runes.  Dwarfs atop it manning a platform mounted gunpowder weapon.

Orcs: New Boar-riders kit. New modern dynamic poses, with fully armored & armed Ork cavalry atop, leaning far forward in their saddles.

In various stages of development, time to market unknown.


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« Yanıtla #21 : Şubat 20, 2015, 10:11:27 ÖS »
Şu her şeyi bilen Harry (Fuat Avni gibi bir nick bu sanırım. Bir sürü kişi kullanıyor Games Workshop firmasındaki) ile röportaj tadında bir şey. Büyük harfli olanlar, onun cevapları.

Are these from your own sources YES, FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES.
or simply your interpretation of what you have collected from the interwebz? SERIOUSLY ?… NO.
I am pretty sure you speak English very much better than I speak any other language NOT SURE ! SORRY FOR THAT.
9th edition will be 90% the same as 8th edition YES, ABOUT RULES, SAME OPINION FROM 2 DIFFERENT SOURCES.
The new ‘Factions’ …
…will look so different from the existing armies they might as well be new armies YES
These new armies will be made from new units/characters MAJORITY YES
The new units will have a very different aesthetic from existing miniatures. 200% YES
The new units can be used by one or more of the existing armies. YES
OR can just be used as units for generic ‘Forces of order’ Or forces of destruction’ armies. NO
I can keep my “OLD COLLECTION” YES
… but don’t expect any new miniatures for a while? I CAN’T SAY THAT FROM WHAT I KNOW BUT LIKELY DEDUCTION
9th Edition will get a boxed set.I HEARD ABOUT A BOX OF BOOKS
In the box will be a rule book? YES
a skirmish Rule book YES / and a Warhammer armies book NOT EXACTLY : but a listing of playable units or pre-constructed groups YES.
The warhammer armies book will have a limited army list for each faction. YES, but I HAD NO INFORMATION ABOUT “FACTIONS”(and this number of “6” ??), so I would say “for each army”.
There is a points system. YES
But it is not compulsory (So you can pick ‘X’ number of characters/units from the selection) SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
Skirmish is not intended to be the main way to play Warhammer … but an alternative. YES
This will be a simple starter game without a lot of complex special rules. An introductory game. YES
Some fantasy miniatures will be supplied on round bases due to rules changes YES
… but not all…. just skirmishing units DON’T KNOW and units attached to ranked units? YES
…and big Warmachines? ATTACHED TO RANKED UNITS YES
Characters will be on round bases. (Or oval bases for cavalry) YES
… and so characters can no longer join ranked up units. PERSONAL DEDUCTION, BUT YES
I do not need to re-base my existing characters to use them YES – two times confirmed
Round bases are nothing to do with the new skirmish game YES.
You don’t know what is going on with round bases EXPLAINED BY MINOR CHANGES OF RULES, FROM WHAT I KNOW.
Bretonnians will not get a new army book and will not get any new units STRICTLY SPEAKING YES
There will be some units which are a bit like Bretonnians in a new ‘Forces of order’ book YES
Loads of stuff coming for Skaven but you don’t know when. YES
New skaven stuff will not look like the existing Skaven stuff but an evolution. YES
Beastmen … future is uncertain but you guess they will find a place in Chaos. YES, I GUESS.
Lots of new stuff to come for Fantasy. YES
Most stuff will be new units monsters or characters. YES
Elite units will be smaller 2-5 minis.YES
Look of armies will change. OH YES !
Smaller armies with less miniatures and more big stuff. LOGICALLY
No information about new rules. NO DETAILS YES, BUT IT SEEMS TO BE MINOR CHANGES.

NOT: KoW'a benzeyen bazı kurallar var gibi. Hani minyatür bazlıdan, ünite bazlı oyuna geçmezler herhalde.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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« Yanıtla #22 : Şubat 24, 2015, 05:08:10 ÖS »
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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« Yanıtla #23 : Mayıs 11, 2015, 09:59:28 ÖS »


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« Yanıtla #24 : Mayıs 12, 2015, 11:59:55 ÖÖ »
Abi kuralları okudum da,

Impassivity can be lost with a single row of 5 on the sidewall. Units can not be unmoved against anything that might make thunderous slam.

yazan adam fransızcadan vb mi çevirmiş, flank steadfast, vb terimleri ne garip çevirmişler...

dey layt com and me wan go hom...


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« Yanıtla #25 : Mayıs 12, 2015, 04:28:24 ÖS »
valla az kaldı çıkmasına zaten, çıkana kadar böyle artık


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« Yanıtla #26 : Mayıs 12, 2015, 07:14:12 ÖS »
Şu end times zımbırtısını bulaştırmazlarsa baya güzel bişey olacağını düşünüyorum açıkçası

Öz highlore

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« Yanıtla #27 : Mayıs 12, 2015, 09:40:16 ÖS »
End times i okumadim bile
The elves are watching


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« Yanıtla #28 : Mayıs 29, 2015, 07:25:37 ÖÖ »
    Originally Posted by Neo-birdy

    "Hey Dan, don´t want my name associated with rumours since I don´t know how much GW actually check stuff on forums, but anyway to make a long story short, a guy at GW HQ phoned me today & we had a long conversation since he wants me to become a GW retailer. I told him I was unsure due to recent warhammer fantasy rumours & GW not letting the public know anything, so after a while I got the following things confirmed:9:th edition is coming out this summer.Round bases is a go, you will be able to play with Square bases, but after 9:th edition hits, Everything will be sold with round bases.

    Everything will be able to skirmish, but many units will be able to rank up as well, GW will releasemovement trays made for this

    Unbound will exist, as will bound lists, basically what he told me is that it´s what the public wants, however to avoid powergaming there will be scenarios which require you to hold objectives etc etc & units in an unbound army can´t hold an objective as long as an enemy is within x inches, while bound armies can. He said something about getting bonus points for killing the enemy commander as well, something unbound armies couldn´t get. So they will encourage both styles but in different ways.

    He only confirmed one new faction, which was humans, he said it will basically be Empire + Bretonnia & some new troops. He was very clear about no army being squatted though."


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« Yanıtla #29 : Haziran 12, 2015, 07:52:55 ÖS »
via a reader here on Faeit 212
The apparent story of the new warhammer world(s)[/b]

I had the chance to spend about 20 minutes with the upcoming book Age of Sigmar by A. Lanning (a novel, not the game) that deals with the aftermath of the end times. The prologue makes it very clear that Sigmar survives and the whole plot takes place after the end times. Nothing that I have read suggests that there is any time travel involved. It is just a continuation of the story on a much broader scale. I think it is safe to say that the game of the same name follows the story of book and doesn't establish a totally different setting.

In the prologue Sigmar survives and pulls the winds of magics through the gap into the warp. In the process the pure untouched currents of the warp are tainted with the personifications of the winds - the Incarnates. This is the birth of eight new minor gods.

But most of the book is not about sigmar or the incarnate gods directly, only three chapters as far as I could see were written from their perspective. The rest of the book is an ordinary fantasy adventure story. The book follows Martellus Mann, a reikguard quartermaster who was slain in the end times, but is reborn in Sigmarshall, the domain of Sigmar.

I then skipped some hundred pages forward so I don't know what happened in the aftermath, but in the middle of the book, he has gathered a large party of heroes from many realms and realities in a quest for something called the spirit mill or soul mill or something like this. I know for sure that there are several worlds and that the protagonist can travel from one to the other but I didn't read a chapter where this was described in person and I don't know if this is part of the game world.

In the middle of the books there is a huge betrayal, sigmarshall is under siege by the armies of the chaos gods. incarnate fights against incarnate and all are cast out from the warp. Mann starts a search for sigmar in the believe that he was reborn somewhere. The second half of the book is set on a world called Regalia. And here it gets interesting: Regalia is the only area/realm/world that has a map in the book. Regalia looks like the old world or earth and has very familiar regions and city names, etc. But there are some huge alterations: there is no Ulthuan, but a huge landbridge that connects Canada with Scandinavia.

There are no elven or dwarven sounding cities or lands but strange sounding names in the Americas and Africa that don't fit any race of the old setting. There is no empire, but lots of different states in Europe and Asia - Nuln, Middenheim, etc are there, but Altdorf is not. There are more things you can deduce from the map if you assume that it represents the setting of the game, which I strongly think it does. Mann finally arrives in the city Heldenheim that is build in the Worlds Edge Mountains just in time to visit the crowning of emperor Karl Franz where he announces his plan to conquer the whole world. Mann thinks that he has found Sigmar and the book jumps to the epilog.

Sigmar is chained somewhere and starts to dwindle, but then he smiles and proclaims that his great work to eliminate the chaos once and for all has only started. He vows to conquer the warp.

I think it is pretty obvious that the game will be set in this new world. Why would they establish all this in the book when the game doesn’t use it at all, but I haven't seen any actual game material (though there is a slim chance that I get a glimpse this weekend - fingers crossed), so take this into account.+