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Gönderen Konu: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)  (Okunma sayısı 5907 defa)


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Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« : Kasım 28, 2011, 08:30:25 ÖÖ »
Demiurg are apparently a lot less Dwarfish than the initial concepts, instead being more like little stone golems (Ozruk from WoW was mentioned)

As a tongue in cheek nod to the fate of the squats, there is a named Demiurg (who may or may not make it as a SC) who survived fighting Tyranids and personally killed a large monster by drilling his way out after being "Swallowed up by the 'Nids"
This Demiurg is aware that the Ethereals have some kind of power over the Tau (maybe other races too) but not the Demiurg, who have presumably signed up for political reasons and of their own free will

Stealth suit mechanics may change
Kroot fieldcraft rule - presumably switched to Stealth and Infiltrate USR

4 new 'Tau' units*: Note these will not all probably be in the first release - there's 2-3 plastic kits here and we already know 3 for the 4 that are coming out.
-Dropship (carries upto 15 models or 2 battlesuits and 10 models, or 5 battlesuits)

The Ubersuit is a Battletech/Mechwarrior sort of thing (probably Dreadknight sized), with a special 'ridiculous' ability that lets it rain down shooting if it stands still.
Looks a bit like one of the Battletech Mechs that is named after an ancient weapon

- Tüm yeni codexlere bu fighter olayını koyuyorlar. Gerçekten Apocal. gibi bir olay olacak herhalde. Yan tarafta extra masada oyun oynayabilme hikayesi. Heh.

- Dropship'i acayip merak ettim.

- Gene Apocal. tadında büyük miniler gelmeye başladı. Çok renkli diye düşünüyorum. Hani Dreadknight hiç beğenilmeyen bir model falan ama..
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #1 : Kasım 28, 2011, 08:42:57 ÖÖ »
durursa tüm silahlarını ateşlesi ... Biri Alpha Strike mı dedi ? ;)


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #2 : Kasım 28, 2011, 01:01:01 ÖS »


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #3 : Kasım 28, 2011, 04:13:45 ÖS »
yok yok direk Battletech... birde ısı counter'ı koysunlar cihazlar arada shutdown olsun ;D ;D ;D


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #4 : Kasım 28, 2011, 05:06:49 ÖS »
Tau herşeyin en güzeline layıktır; tabi bunu derken içimden lütfen suit'leri kutu kutu yapmayın diyorum.


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #5 : Kasım 28, 2011, 05:43:11 ÖS »
'Rapid fire' kuralı değişde, Max range'de hareket etmezsen 'Heavy 2' gibi çalışıyor denirse, Tau Fire Warrior'ların direk geri dönüşü olur gibi bir beklentim ve hayalim var hani. :)
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #6 : Aralık 12, 2011, 12:51:59 ÖS »
Tau geyiklerine iyice devam ediyorlar. Herhalde artık kesin, yeni codex Tau.6th editiondan da önce çıkaracaklarına göre bayağa mart ayı gibi falan gelecek hani.

The Tau codex belongs to Cruddace, lets get that fact straight. That is all I am going to say on that issue.

Black Templars on the other hand was always going to be Phil Kelly's pet project. The only way Ward or Cruddace would ever get the Black Templars codex off him would be to prise the rough drafts out from his cold...dead...hands.
Unless of course they offered him the Dwarf Army Book...............(whistles innocently).

Some of these rumours [WF- In regards to rumor sumary posted up on BOLS - most of which were taken from Warseer] are spot on others not so spot on. 4 generic HQs are the Tau Commander, Tau Ethereal, Kroot Master Shaper and Demiurg Ancient. Blisters are, as far as I am aware, a new Tau Ethereal, Demiurg Ancient and 2 special character blisters.

I've also heard that the Skyray will be getting a better choice of missiles in addition to the Seeker missile which is believed to be S6 AP4 Blast, however you have to choose the missile type at the beginning of the game so you cannot mix and match. Despite the payload ts main role will still be target marking.

The Demiurg Special character is apparently the one called Iceheart.

The Battletech Mech in question is the Warhammer IIC mech (no joke about the name.) one of the unseen mechs in the battletech universe. The suit itself is quite big, not quite dreadknight sized but it can "brace".....yes Matt Ward does play Spacemarine. The trouble is that it will be competing against Broadsides, Skyrays and Hammerheads, all of which have improved, a lot.

Regarding the "HQ unlocks troops" rumour - Well from what I can understand from the mechanic is this. A particular troop type is associated with a particular HQ but in doing so confers a special ability on those troop types.

Tau Ethereal - Unlocks Tau Firewarrior teams.
Tau Fire Commander - Unlocks Tau XV8 Crisis Battlesuit teams.
Kroot Shaper - Unlocks Kroot Carnivore squads.
Demiurg Ancient - Unlocks Demiurg Warrior squads.

I can understand the thought process behind the mechanic from what I know of the basic fluff regarding the Tau.

However I would have thought that Firewarriors would have always remained as basic troops and an Ethereal would have unlocked Honour Guard but it seems from the snippets of info I've been able to peice together that an Ethereal confers Preferred Enemy (Everything) and BS4 on those Firewarrior squads he leads making Honour Guard redundant.

All that I can say is known about the Demiurg is that they are the Tau's main anti-MEQ unit. How effective they are I cannot say.

Actually you might be surprised. My sources and the several other rumour mongers have started indicating that Templars might actually be next followed by Tau, this is normally a sign for me that what I am hearing is correct but with recent developments such things are by no means certain.

I have however recently discovered that the Tau are in the proofreading stage of development which means that the codex is written but it has not yet quite gone to the printers. Now this means that all GW have to do is give the nod and the codex can be printed in numbers pretty quickly. All they then have to do is ramp up the advertisement, distribution and product support and we have them ready to go for our very much enjoyment.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #7 : Aralık 12, 2011, 12:54:31 ÖS »
Unless of course they offered him the Dwarf Army Book...............(whistles innocently).

bunu okudum gerisini okumadım!!!
dey layt com and me wan go hom...


  • İleti: 44
Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #8 : Aralık 12, 2011, 05:49:58 ÖS »
GUNDAM! Uber suiti merak ettim. Crisisler yeterince überdi bence :P


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #9 : Aralık 30, 2011, 08:22:05 ÖÖ »
-Demiurg Units ~plural
-New Vespid unit and a new weapon for the wasp-men.
-New FireWarrior heavy weapons - expect new anti-tank / anti- infantry heavy weapon choices on a 1 special per X ratio (probably 1 per 5 or 10 fire Warriors)
-Plastic Barricuda (or other renamed fighter)
-Possible Human allies (Rogue IG militia that joined the Tau Empire) ~said to be the iffy-est of these rumors.
-New Kroot HQ choice (with the ability to "unlock a Kroot themed army) ~sounds like an homage to the old Kroot Mercs list.
-Kroot Carnivores upgraded to either a  5+ or a 6+ save by default.

Bu adamların uçaklar ile ilgili ciddi bir planı var ama ne çok merak ediyorum.
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain

althar amadeous

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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #10 : Aralık 30, 2011, 09:43:56 ÖÖ »
"40 k artık air table oynancak mış" kendini bilmez rumor
Beastmen - 5000 pts
Space Orcs - 3100 pts
Gothic Chaos - 1000pts
BB-Orc team - Dwarf team
Stompa - Looted Shadow Sword


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #11 : Aralık 30, 2011, 09:50:42 ÖÖ »
"40 k artık air table oynancak mış" kendini bilmez rumor

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #12 : Ocak 03, 2012, 08:24:26 ÖÖ »
Sürekli bir şeyler geliyor. Herhalde bu Mart-Nisan gibi Tau'yu bekleyebiliriz diye düşünmeye başladım ben. Yav, birde piyade Tau fikri harika yav.

-Battlesuit Commander: shifts ONE battlesuit unit to a Troops FOC slot.
-New Close Combat Battlesuit
-New Ethereal named character
-Ethereals will get upgraded to be the "leader" role in the Tau Empire army. (so not the best BS, or WS, but other interesting army-support tricks)
-New deepstriking Dropship (an Orca-ish platform on par with the IG valkyrie)
-Up-gunned Drone variants (specific anti-tank and anti-heavy infantry options) which can be attached to almost every TAU unit in the codex
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain


  • İleti: 44
Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #13 : Ocak 03, 2012, 02:04:36 ÖS »
Close combat battlesuit'i merak etmedim değil. Tau için close combat acaip kafa zira.


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Ynt: Tau Rumours (The Bell of Lost Souls)
« Yanıtla #14 : Ocak 03, 2012, 02:22:01 ÖS »
Gundam yaparlar diye iç geçirdim bende. Hani şu katanalı olanlardan.. Acaba resmini bulabilirmiyim..

..1 dakika sonra..

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

- Mark Twain