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Savaş Çekici => Warhammer 40k => Konuyu başlatan: Ruhi - Haziran 26, 2012, 09:13:30 ÖÖ

Başlık: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Ruhi - Haziran 26, 2012, 09:13:30 ÖÖ
Core System

- Change to Pre-Measure like WHFB 8th Edition.
- Force Organization Chart is still in use, no use of Percentage
- Adding new FoC Slot called "Fortification" [0-1] / see below
- Phases remains the same, Movement, Shooting, and then Assault
- No Psychic Phase
- No Initiative Phase

Movement Phase
- Movement is pretty much the same. Infantry can move 6", Jump Infantry 12" and so on.

Shooting Phase
- Rapid Fire weapons can now fire at target 24" away irregardless of moving or not. (or choose to fire twice at target 12" away)
- Pistol is pretty much the same.
- New Weapon type "Salvo" - firing at max. range & max. shots if not move, or 1/2 range and 1/2 shots if moving.
- Heavy Weapon can now be fired on the move, but will be subjected to 'snap fire' rule.
- "Snap Fire" allows certain weapon types to shoot even if moving, but with a BS of 1 (ie. 6 to hit)
- Blast Weapons cannot "snap fire"
- You can only killed as much models in target unit as you can actually see (and within max range).
- Casualties are now removed from closest to furthest.
- Wound Allocation is completely changed.
- When shooting at unit partially in cover, player can choose to "Focus Fire" to kill only models in the open (or in a less covered position).
- You can now throw (most) grenades in the Shooting Phase at the range of 8", limited to 1 grenade per unit per Phase.

Assault Phase
- Charge Distance is now 2D6" adding together.
- Unit can elect to "Overwatch" if being assaulted. Simply a "Stand and Shoot 40K version" - resolved at BS1, Template does D3 hit instead.
- Overwatch can be done only once per turn.
- Unit declaring multiple assaults will suffer from "Disoriented Charge" (not get +1A)
- Unit assaulting multiple enemy unit is subjected to multiple Overwatch.
- Unlike Stand & Shoot, Overwatch does NOT cause Morale Check or Pinning.
- Pile-in reduced to 3" and is done at the model's Initiative Step (ie. before the model could strike)
- Casualties are removed from the front rank, like the case of Shooting Phase
- Units can elect to auto-fail Morale Check at the end of Combat if all models in the unit cannot hurt the attacker at all (ie. S3 vs T10).
- Challenges are in for IC.
- Close-Combat Weapon now have AP value, ranging from AP- to AP1. Pistols don't grant more bonus than in 5th Edition.
- Power SWORD and Lightning Claws are "S: as user" AP3, though Power AXE is S+1, AP2, but is subjected to penalties (Initiative Reduced)
- Fists and Chainfists are Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy (Intiative reduced to 1), Thunder Hammers has "Concussive" (the exact (or almost) same rules as in 5th Edition)

- Vehicles are now limited to move at the maximum of 12" in the Movement Phase (though it can move further in the Shooting Phase if desired)
- Vehicles can opt to move "Flat Out" in the Shooting Phase, adding an extra 6".
- Vehicles movement and weapons. Defensive and Primary Weapons are gone. You can fire all of your weapons at most of the time. But moving faster will result in less weapon fired at basic BS, the rest will be fired at BS1 (Snap Fire)
- Fast Skimmer moving Flat Out can be more lethal (fire more weapons than in 5th and moving faster [12" Normal + 18" Flat Out])
- Skimmer got a cover save called Jink, basically 5+ cover save and improved to 4+ if going Flat Out.
- Vehicles count as WS0 (auto-hit) if stationary and WS1 (3+ hit) if moved. No idea on how Fast or Skimmer will have bonus, as cover aren't used in Assault.
- Flyers are now in, with its own rules.
- Flyers can move very fast and is hard to target (6 only to hit) unless the shooter has Skystrike rules that allow them to shoot flyer at normal BS.
- When moving fast (called "Zooming") Flyers cannot move less than 12" and cannot disembark any models.

Vehicle and Damage
- New Vehicle Damage Chart, one to rule them all. 1-2 being Shaken, 3 Stunned, 4 and 5 Weapon Destroyed and Immobilised, and 6 Explodes! You only roll the table if the shot penetrate the Armour. Wrecks occur only from taking certain amount of Glancing Hits.
- AP 2 weapons add +1 to the chart, while AP1 adds +2.
- AP"-" is no longer -1 on the table.
- Open-Topped is +1 as well.
- No more "Half Strength if the center hole is off", you always use full strength for any blast that hits the vehicle.
- Hull Points - a new style "wound" for vehicles. Any Glancing Hits removes 1 Hull Point, Penetrate Hit removes 1 Hull Point as well as rolling on the Damage Chart above. If reduced to 0 HP, the vehicle becomes Wreck.
- Vehicles has 3 or 4 HP, notable 4 HP vehicles are Ghost Ark, Land Raider, and Monolith. Details can be found in the rulebook appendix. (Bloodwing stated that some player propose that the formula for Hull Points is Front + Side(once) + Rear divide by 3. Fractions rounding down - this seems to be true.

Vehicle and Passenger
- Passenger can only disembark if vehicle move 0-6".
- Disembarking rules changes, you now place models in base contact with the access point and move up to 6" - this is the furthest distance the unit may move.
- Embarking is pretty much the same.
- Unit count as moving if the vehicle moved 0.1-6", and can only "Snap Fire" if the vehicle move 6.01 - 12"
- Open-topped transport rules are the same (access points and fire points)
- Exploding Flyer that has "zoomed" will result in a S10 no armour save on its passenger. And some sort of S6 Large Blast at any unit under the point the vehicle goes on flame.

Psychic Power
- NO PSYCHIC PHASE (or whatever people are assuming they are)
- Perils of the Warp causes one wound, no saves of any kind allowed.
- Types of psychic power, witchfire (psychic shooting attack), focused witchfire (has a chance to allow player to choose the target model when removing casualty by rolling low scores on Psychic Test), nova (affects all enemy units within range), maelstrom (affecting both friendly and enemy within range), blessing (augmented friend), and malediction (de-buff enemy).
- "Deny the Witch" - every models/units have a slight chance to nullify the effect of psychic power (6+). Chances increase if your unit has Psyker.
- Psychic Hood is reduced to 4+ Deny the Witch if the target of the power is within 6" of the wearer.
- There are 5 new Disciplines of Psychic Powers in the BRB, each has 7 Powers. Each army can access different Disciplines, some cannot use them at all.
- Casting Psychic Power remains the same as in 5th.
- Psychic Powers now have 2 level, calling Warp Charge 1 and 2. Mastery Level 1 can only use Warp Charge 1 power, while Mastery Level 2 allows you to cast 2 "Warp Charge 1" power or 1 "Warp Charge 2". Higher Mastery allows for more.
- Each Psyker generate Warp Charge equal to his Mastery Level.

- Look Out, Sir! is in. Grants character 50% chance to evade the attack if he's within 6" of friendly unit (works in combat too), resolved each successful Look Out Sir on the models within 6" instead.
- Look Out Sir! is improved to 2+ for Independent Character.
- Character can issue / accept challenges.
- One model in your army will be the Warlord (one with highest LD), Warlord can roll on a table (there's 3 table, you can choose 1) to see what benefit he receive. Examples are units within 12" can use his LD, the Character count as Scoring Units, Warlord has FNP if within 3" of Objective.

- Fortification - a new addition to the FoC, limited to 0-1 this allows player to purchase some kind of terrain for their army. Expensive one are Fortress of Redemption (220 points) and cheap ones are Aegis Defence Lines (50 points)
- Allies - a new system that allows player to have a detachment made of another army in the list. Allies works like WFB8th Edition with best buddies, normal allies, and untrusted. The detachment is limited to 1HQ and 1 Troop(compulsory) and additional 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support.

- There are 3 Deployment Types, one being the classic Pitched Battle, second one is reversed Pitched Battle (deploying along the short table edges), and third one is a triangular deployment.
- Selecting deployment zone remains the same, roll-off to see who deploys first and go first.
- Seize Initiative is still the same.
- 6 Missions with 2 Level Objectives. Primary Objectives grants more Victory Points, but harder to achieve. Secondary Objective is always 1 VP and has 3 of them. First Blood (for getting the first "kill point", Slay the Warlord (for killing the enemy Warlord - aka. general), and Linebreaker (having your units in enemy deployment zone at the end of the game)
- Deep Strike Mishap is softened now: 1 - You're Dead, 2-3 Misplaced, and 4-6 Delayed.
- Feel No Pain dropped to 5+
- There's still only 1 Level of Instant Death, no Instant Death(x)
- Fleet allows for re-rolls on Run and possibly Assault distances.
- "Hammer of Wrath" allows model to make single attack at their base strength before combat on the turn it assault. Jump Infantry and Bike have it.
- Monstrous Creature can make "Smash" attack, forfeit half of its attack to resolve attack at Sx2 against vehicle.
- Flying Monstrous Creature can make two mode of movement. One being 24" move, performing D3+1 "Vector Strike" on a single unit within the path and then shoot up to two weapons or run 2D6" in the shooting phase. However, it cannot assault or being assaulted unless it get shot and fall down from the sky first (can't remember how you fire at it, 6 only?) Should it fall from the sky, it will take S9 hit and can now be assaulted as normal.
- Sniper has rule to allow them to allocate wounds to the model of your choice if you roll a 6 when rolling to hit.
- Rage is now +2 Attack on assault.
- Many new generalization of rules...such as Armourbane (roll 2d6 for armour penetration) and Fleshbane (2+ to wound)....this also expands to weapons as well (unwieldy, concussive, etc.)


flyers eg stormraven/talon, ork bomber, valkyrie, all those flyer based units will now be classed as flyers

flyers have 2 hull points
they always have a 5+ cover save and MUST move a minimum of 18 inches per turn. they have a rule that allows them to move 18 and shoot up to 4 weapons per turn. the can also move 24'' which counts as cruising speed.
if they move under 18 inches in a turn they count as wrecked
any unit shooting at flyer require 6's to hit unless you have the skyhammer rule which allows you to hit them with your normal ballistic skill.

battle brothers - these allies are truly freinds and benefit from each othersuniversal special rules, psychic powers, and everything, they act as one force.

allies of convenience - these allies will fight together if they have a common foe, they do not get to benefit from each others USR or powers, and in effect act as independant armies on the table.

desperate allies - these allies only fight in dire straights and gain no benefit from each other. you must roll a d6 if the roll is failed your allies do nothing for the tunr as they are whatching you for betrayal.

not before the apocolypse - these armies listed here can never be allies.
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Ruhi - Haziran 26, 2012, 09:38:05 ÖÖ
Atışlara Başlangıç:

- Oyun sekansının değişmediğine çok memnun oldum. (Move-Shoot-Assult)
- Taşıyıcı içerisinde gittim, assult ettim biraz daha zor.
- Piyade ateş gücü çok artmış.
- Medium tank bile bayağa kolay gidiyor. AV14 için aynı şeyi söylemek zor ama gene de piyade basbayağa alabilir.
- Bu Snap shot işini niye eklemişler bilemedim.
- Ekstra ateş türüne pek de ihtiyaç yoktu ya. Herhalde renk için.
- Multiple Assult penaltısı hoş olmuş.
- Wound Allocation'ın değişmesi hoş olmuş. Ama hangisi önde, hangisi değil sorunları umarım az çıkar.
- Ben açıktakileri vuruyorum durumu gerçekci ama hani 5th'de daha kolaydı, daha güzeldi diye düşünüyorum. Diğer taraftan, 10 çocuktan 5 tanesi kabak gibi açıkta iken 4+ save almakta aptalcaydı.
- Termiler süper olmuş. :D Power sword'un AP3 olması benim hoşuma gitti.
- Feel no Pain 5+ biraz acımasız olmuş. Ben hiç kullanmadım ama rakip olarak gıcıktı 4+, ama hani puanı da ona göreydi. 5+, sanki biraz deymez gibi geldi bana.
- CC'de ölenlerin önden alınması da acayip hoşuma gitti. High Insiyatif döver.
- Psionic ability'leri çok merak ediyorum. Umarım dengeli ve az biraz daha havalı olurlar.

- Flyerların zorunlu hareket olayı süper olmuş. Her round zorunlu 18", yav acayip havalı. :)
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Sulcalen - Haziran 26, 2012, 01:38:44 ÖS
ilginç kurallar var, örneğin:

- AP"-" is no longer -1 on the table.

Tesla için süper oldu

- No more "Half Strength if the center hole is off", you always use full strength for any blast that hits the vehicle.

Doomsday ark ve diğer bütün unutulmuş template atan elemanlar için iyi oldu

- Passenger can only disembark if vehicle move 0-6"

Yok öyle 72" giderim üzerine inerim bir de charge ederimler

- Exploding Flyer that has "zoomed" will result in a S10 no armour save on its passenger. And some sort of S6 Large Blast at any unit under the point the vehicle goes on flame.

Uçarcalar biraz tehlikeli sanki

- Deep Strike Mishap is softened now: 1 - You're Dead, 2-3 Misplaced, and 4-6 Delayed.

oh beeee  :D

Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Ruhi - Haziran 26, 2012, 02:08:19 ÖS
Yav, Necron için çok hoş birkaç bir şey daha var. 6'lar glance ve 6'lar Hull Point götürüyor. Yani bayağa, Gauss phalanx'ı ile bir sürü makine gidebilir.
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Ruhi - Haziran 28, 2012, 08:47:08 ÖÖ

Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: blackwinter - Haziran 30, 2012, 10:20:01 ÖÖ
bütün 6 th edition kurallarını özetlemiş. çok başarılı bence:

Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Sulcalen - Haziran 30, 2012, 09:53:56 ÖS
 :o Valla rumorları okudukça içimi bir korku sardı necronlar cheese ordu olup gk ların durumuna düşerse zıçtım
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Azactoth - Temmuz 01, 2012, 12:17:45 ÖÖ
Artık scarab farm taktiği daha da efektif hale gelmiş fearless kuralının extra wound ye kısmını gerçekten çıkardılarsa horde orduları yine iş yapmaya başlayabilir tabiki denemek lazım ama neredeydi benim hormagaunt larım :) :) :)
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: Ruhi - Temmuz 01, 2012, 12:20:28 ÖÖ
Kurallar parlak ve hoş görünüyorlar. Haydi hayırlısı.

NOT: Canını sıkma Levent yav. Gelir gider iki dayak yersin. Gene Imperial Guard güçlü muhabbeti yaparız sonra. :P
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: mereghost - Temmuz 03, 2012, 02:43:23 ÖS
Yaşlılar sizi
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: blackwinter - Temmuz 07, 2012, 03:16:43 ÖS
:o Valla rumorları okudukça içimi bir korku sardı necronlar cheese ordu olup gk ların durumuna düşerse zıçtım

hacım bütün forumlar, bloglar Necronların tahtı GK dan aldığını söylüyor... :D.
Başlık: Ynt: 6th Edition Kuralları (Bazıları Kitap Almış)
Gönderen: blackwinter - Temmuz 08, 2012, 08:06:15 ÖS
6 th edition Tyranidler hakkinda guzel yorumlar....
