Savaş Çekici > Infinity

Bugün infinity için ne yaptın?

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Abi bu görevler tüm savaş oyunları içinde best fan made document olabilir, hani basit ama bir o kadar oyunu bir üst seviyey taşıyan.

Standart görev git düşmanı öldür ki infinity gibi bir fluffa sahip skirmishe oyunda hiç tad vermiyor. Bu görevleri standart mission kabul etmek en güzeli bence.

Bu arada yeniden Ezel geceleri yapmaya mı başlasak ne?

biri bunları indirip paylaşabilir mi acaba?


--- Alıntı ---set up: normal initiative and deployment rules

mission roulette: after the initiative/deployment roll (and before any models
are placed on the table), both commanders make two secret rolls on the mission
roulette table below to determine their Primary and Secondary objectives.

d6 roll:
*1 - advance
*2 - blockade
*3 - degrade
*4 - triangulate
*5 - assessment
*6 - collect

(1) advance
1 vp for having none of your army in your deployment zone at game end
1 vp for at least 1/2 of your army starting points cost across the center line at
game end
1 vp for having one or more of your models in the enemy deployment zone at game end

(2) blockade
1 vp for having no enemy models in your deployment zone at game end
1 vp for having no enemy models across the center line at game end
1 vp for not going into retreat

(3) degrade
1 vp for LT kill
1 vp for killing the highest point cost enemy model on the table, including
camo markers
1 vp for killing a specialist (doctor, hacker, or engineer). only 1 vp is awarded
regardless of the number of specialists killed. if the enemy army list does not
include one of the above specialists, then an HI, TAG, or REM can provide this

(4) triangulate
1 vp for each deployed orbital artillery beacon within 10" of a table corner. maximum
of 3 vps available. only one can be deployed in your own deployment zone, the
other two must be deployed in the enemy deployment zone.

orbital artillery beacons: all models in your army carry one of these
beacons. they are treated exactly like mines in every respect with these
exceptions: they do not explode nor can they be destroyed. deploying a beacon is
done exactly like deploying a mine.

(5) assessment
1 vp for 'mapping' the enemy deployment zone
1 vp for having had LoF to 50% of the enemy army list (number of models, not cost)
by game end (round up). or:
2 vps for having had LoF to every enemy model by game end

mapping: a short skill requiring a normal wip roll. it can be ARO'd but
cannot be used as an ARO. the model making this roll must be inside the enemy
deployment zone to use the skill.

(6) collect
1 vp for each cube/document acquired from an unconcious/dead enemy model, maximum
of 3. one cube or document per unconcious/dead enemy model. (documents are on
all enemy models that do not have cubes). removing a cube or document from an
enemy model is a short skill requiring a normal wip roll. it can be ARO'd but
cannot be done as an ARO.

game length: 4 turns. missions are revealed at game end and vps are then
--- Alıntı sonu ---

Mekan zamanlarında oynanmıştı bu senaryolar diye hatırlıyorum ben. Ezel gecelerinde heralde. Ben o zamanlar deneme fırsatı bulamamıştım, bu zaman kısmetmiş.

ezel geceleri olabilir umut bro da sen hem FRP hem 40k hem ezel nası yapıcan o işi :D

olmadı bi hsonu infinity günü yapalım. 4 kişi toplansak 3 maçtan iş bi günde biter. yes-yes?

abi çok iyi fikir hala istiyorum döndüğümde patlatalım böyle bir şeyi


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